Aurélien Citrain

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We study the coupling of Discontinuous Galerkin Method (DGM) and Spectral Element Method (SEM) on hybrid meshes (grids composed of unstructured and structured cells) for the simulations of wave propagation in the time-domain.

key words:
Discontinous Galerkin, Spectral Element method, hybrid meshes

DG/SEM coupling

In my work, we propose to couple DG and SEM with the aim of reducing the computationnal costs when the propagation medium can be represented by an hybrid mesh.
When we deal with complicated geometries, the use of unstructured grids is necessary if we want to have a good approximation of the geometries. In the unstructured part of the mesh, we use DG method which have demonstrated good performance on this kind of grids.
Homever, when we have a more simple geometry (like a layer of water for example) the use of unstructured grids doesn’t make any sense and we can use structured quadrangle. When it comes to structured grids, SEM have a successful record for operating on them, and it requires a lower computational burden than DG.

Software development

Our software is developed under the Depth Imaging Partnership (DIP) with Total. It is developed on Fortran using OpenMP for parallel computation. The software include the modeling of wave propagation phenomena in the time-domain on elasto-acoustic media. Simulation can be done using several time-scheme, on different types of grids (structured, unstructured) and using two differents numerical methods DGM and SEM.

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