Projects and collaborations

  • ANR – Ctrl-AB: The objectives of the Ctrl-AB project (2021-2024) are (i) to develop new control methods for the optimization of the productivity of a microbial community, and (ii) to demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods on a synthetic algal-bacterial consortium.
  • ANR – SuzuKIISS:ME “Gérer Drosophila SuzuKII grâce aux Insectes Super St eriles : Maturation et Efficacité” (2022-2025). This project covers the ground from the development of the operational capacity and release strategies to deploy Sterile Insect Techniques (SIT), to the socio-economic impact of SIT on the control of the fruit fly Drosophila Suzukii.
  • ANR – InSync: The objective of this project (2023-2027) is to study the intercellular coupling and synchronization between peripheral circadian clocks, using data from cell cultures in 3-dimensional spheroids, that better capture the physiological environment.
  • ANR – Endurance:
  • ANR – BEEP:
  • Plan Cancer – IMoDRez: The objective of this project (2018-2022) is to understand cancer drug response heterogeneity using tumor single-cell dynamics and developing mathematical models and computational approaches (Section 3.1.1). A project funded by INCa – Plan Cancer.
  • ITMO Cancer MIC – Cellema: The objective of this project (2022-2025) is to determine and study the molecular factors that regulate tumor cell response dynamics to immune cell cytotoxicity, using dynamical models and machine learning algorithms for analysis of single-cell data.
  • IHU – Respirera:
  • EcoPhyto – INTERLUDE: “Territorial innovations to reduce phytopharmaceutical products for the sustainable production of vegetable crops” (2020–2023). BIOCORE members participate in a case study that focuses on the agroecological management of soil pests and pathogens in Provence.
  • EcoPhyto – CeraTIS Corse: “Territorial management of the Mediterranean fruit fly in Corsica by the Sterile Insect Technique” (2020–2023). This project is based on a pilot field experiment of sterile male releases and it integrates population dynamics and socio-economic approaches.
  • Inria Associate Team – EPITAG: “EPIdemiological modelling and control for Tropical AGriculture”, with the Universities of Douala, Yaoundé 1 and Dschang in Cameroon (2017– 2024). This team gathers French and Cameroonian researchers with a background in dynamical systems and control and an interest in crop diseases, who jointly supervise master and PhD students. Starting in 2023, the activities of the associate team are also supported by the TSARA initiative of INRAE (Transforming Food and Agricultural Systems through Research in Partnership with Africa) and the French embassy in Cameroon.
  • Inria AMDT – SiDRes: Action Mutualisée de Développement Technologique “Simulateur pour le Déploiement de Résistances” (2020–). It involves the BIOCORE project-team and engineers from the SED, as well as INRAE colleagues.
  • UCA JEDI – GENoise: “Novel analysis framework to parse cell decision information from gene expression noise, applied to biomarker discovery of Cisplatin resistance in tumor cell”. Interdisciplinary pair of Master students. With Inria ABS (Frédéric Cazals).
  • 2020-2024) whose objective is to build a network for innovation on Signal Transduction
  • Pathways in life Sciences, and is hosted by Universit ́e Cˆote d’Azur. M. Chaves is member
  • of the Scientific council of Signalife.
  • UMT FIORIMED: FioriMed is a Mixed Technology Unit created in January 2015 to strengthen
  • the production and dissemination of innovation to the benefit of ornamental horticulture.
  • F. Grognard is member of the steering committee of FIORIMED.
  • PEPR Agro ́ecologie et Num ́erique The team is involved in one of the ”flagship projects”
  • of this PEPR: ”MISTIC – Computational models of crop plant microbial biodiversity”.

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