Workshop on Tranportation and Logistics

The next workshop of the french working group on Transporation and Logistics (GdR Operations Research) will be held at INRIA Lille on March, 30th 2016.
The subject of the day will be: Dynamic and Stochastic Problems in Transportation.
Two invited talks will be given by Professors

  • Tom van Woensel (TU Eindhoven)
  • Thierry Pironet (Université de Liège).

Talks proposals (possibly in the day thematic) are welcomed. Ph.D. students are particularly encouraged to present their work. Should you be interested in giving a talk during the workshop, please contact Prof. Frédéric Semet at

The registration at the workshop is free of charge but (for security reasons) mandatory. To register, please send an email to Aurore Hermant at

Important information:

  • Access to INRIA Lille will be given after ID verification: please come with a valid ID card.
  • Lunch will be provided.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Lille.

Best regards
Diego, Frédéric and Maxime

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