Nataliia Bielova

Author's posts

Welcome to Célestin Matte!

Célestin Matte joined INDES as a postdoc on 1 March 2019 to work with Nataliia Bielova in the frame of ANR JCJC PrivaWeb project. Welcome, Celestin!

Welcome to Feras Al Kassar, Arianna Corvi and Adam Khayam!

Feras Al Kassar joined INDES as a PhD student and Arianna Corvi and Adam Khayam joined INDES as interns on 7 January 2019. Welcome, Feras, Arianna and Adam!

Welcome to Heloise Maurel and Yoon Seok Ko!

Heloise Maurel joined INDES as a PhD student and Yoon Seok Ko joined INDES as a postdoc on 1 October 2018 to work under the supervision of Tamara Rezk and Manuel Serrano. Welcome, Heloise and Yonseok!

Ouverture du MOOC “Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique” – Session 2

5 novembre 2018 : Ouverture du MOOC “Protection de la vie privée dans le monde numérique” – Session 2, par Cédric Laradoux, Vincent Roca (Privatics) et Nataliia Bielova (INDES) Lors de la session 2 (session augumentée) de ce MOOC, librement accessible sur la plateforme FUN du 5 novembre 2018 au 7 janvier 2019, nous aborderons …

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Est-ce que mon programme est bien protégé contre les cyberattaques?

Article from Tamara Rezk on cyberattacks published in Le Monde binaire blog: here

Welcome to Jayanth Krishnamurthy, a new PhD student

A new PhD student, Jayanth Krishnamurthy, joined INDES on 12 September 2018 to work under the supervision of Nataliia Bielova and Manuel Serrano. Welcome, Jayanth!

We co-organized la séance “Méthodes formelles pour la sécurité” in the context of the Pré-GDR Sécurité in Paris (May 30, 2018)

We co-organized la séance “Méthodes formelles pour la sécurité” in the context of the Pré-GDR Sécurité. Paris, 30/5/18

We co-organized APVP 2018 in Porquerolles, France (June 3 – 6)

L’édition 2018 de l’Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP 2018) du GT “Protection de la vie privée” aura lieu du 3 au 6 juin 2018 à sur l’île de Porquerolles (proche de Hyères). Cette 9ème édition sera organisée par les équipes INDES et PRIVATICS d’Inria.

We organized Programming 2018 in Nice, France (April 9 – 12)

We organised the International Conference on the Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming (Programming 2018). It is a new conference focused on programming topics including the experience of programming. ‹Programming› 2018 is the second edition of the conference. The first edition took place in Brussels in April 2017. Papers are welcome from any part of …

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Tamara Rezk defended her HDR “Secure Programming”

Congratulations to Tamara Rezk for her successful HDR (Habilitation à Diriger ses Recherches) defense on April 3, 2018! This Habilitation summarises 10 years of work from 2007 to 2017 on the topic of secure programming. During the talk, Tamara described her work divided in 4 subdomains of secure programming: programs using cryptography, web security, privacy, …

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