Startup launch ‘ecotropy’

Alexandre Nassiopoulos has left the I4S team for the launch of the startup ecotropy. The company deals with the energy assessment and management of buildings, and builds upon the research in the I4S team at IFSTTAR. Jordan Brouns, former PhD student and postdoc in the team, is CTO.

Best paper nomination at IFAC Safeprocess ’15

Our paper on damage quantification at the IFAC SAFEPROCESS conference 2015 has been nominated for the Paul M. Frank Award that honors the best theoretical paper.

European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring

The I4S team is happy to organize the 7th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring in Nantes from 8-11 July 2014.

Bretagne Young Researcher Prize for Michael Doehler

Michael Doehler was awarded the Young Researcher Prize 2013 of the Bretagne region. Articles appeared in Ouest France and Sciences Ouest (in French).

I4S@Inria newsletter

An article on our collaboration with SVS appeared in the Inria newsletter émergences (in French) and here in English.

Thesis prize for Michael Doehler

Michael Doehler, former PhD student of the I4S team, was awarded with the Foundation Rennes 1 Doctorate Award, First Prize, see also here (in French). This prize was given for theses defended at the doctoral school Matisse, Rennes, 2010-2011, with the highest potential of innovation and/or technology transfer.

FP7 IRIS Prize of Excellence

Our contribution to the FP7 IRIS project in collaboration with Falk Hille (BAM) was awarded with the IRIS Prize of Excellence 2011.