Inria newsletter Emergence: A new concept in acoustic insulation for transport

By plane, by car, or by train, noise is often part of the journey. Technological advances are there, but some sources of noise still don’t want to hear anything and continue to resist… At the Inria Center of the University of Rennes, scientist Christophe Droz is exploring an innovative way to better control waves. The idea: to establish interactions between distant areas of the structure to cancel out very low frequency vibratory effects. In perspective: new material concepts for engineers in the field of vibration and noise control. See the full article. Read it here.

Inria newsletter Emergence: Optimizing the energy consumption of Rennes metro line’s de-icing system

In Rennes, the new CityVal automatic metro runs on concrete tracks, where electric heating is used to de-ice the track in cold weather. To optimize the use of the de-icing system and control energy consumption, the manufacturer Siemens relies on thermal modeling research carried out by our team. An article has appeared in the Inria newsletter émergences: see here (in French).

Inria newsletter Emergence: Exploratory Action NO-BIF

Enora Denimal had the opportunity to share the objectives and results of the No-Bif Exploratory Action in the Inria newsletter Emergence. You can find the article and podcast here.

Best Paper Award at WMCV 2022

Our paper “Wave Transmission and Reflection Analysis Based on the 3D Second Strain Gradient Theory” has won the Best Paper Award at the 10th International Conference on Wave Mechanics and Vibrations. Congratulations to the co-authors and our team member Christophe Droz!

New permanent team member: Christophe Droz

Congratulations to Christophe Droz for his successful application as ISFP at Inria. We look forward to welcoming him as a permanent member in the I4S team in October 2021.

Instrumentation of wind turbine

Within the RFI Wise project MUSIWIND on wind turbine monitoring, our team member Xavier Chapeleau has installed high performance accelerometers from project partner Sercel on the tower of a wind turbine (owner: VALOREM, control, operation and maintenance: VALEMO) this June. We look forward to working with the data for long-term monitoring of the wind turbine! More information on the project here, and from the wind turbine operator

Inria newsletter émergences: collaboration of I4S with Sercel

An article about our recent collaboration with the French company Sercel on structural health monitoring has appeared in the Inria newsletter émergences in April 2021: see here (in French).

New permanent team member: Romain Noël

Welcome to Romain Noël who joined the University of Gustave Eiffel in November 2020 as a researcher and is now part of the I4S team.


Cover story of Sensors journal

The article “Detection and Measurement of Matrix Discontinuities in UHPFRC by Means of Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing“, co-authored by our PhD student Antoine Bassil and his supervisor Xavier Chapeleau has made it to the cover of the journal Sensors in the July 2020 issue. Congratulations! The research work has been performed during his secondment at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland, within the H2020 project INFRASTAR.

New permanent team member: Enora Denimal

Congratulations to Enora Denimal for her successful application as chargé de recherche at Inria! We look forward to welcoming her as a permanent member in the I4S team in October 2020.