Offres d’emploi

  • Internships

    We welcome each year interns, mainly at the Master’s level. We do not offer particular subjects, but feel free to contact us if you have an excellent record in applied mathematics and/or engineering sciences and if you are interested in structural health monitoring. Here is a list of current internship offers:

    • M2 internship: Data analysis and processing for estimating road network evolution or survival laws
      Partners: Inria/UGE, Cerema Strasbourg
      Keywords: applied mathematics, computer science, images, computer vision
      Access to the offer
  • PhD theses

    Currently, funding is expected around the following PhD topics:

    • PhD: Structures motion estimation by an alternative optical flow method combining sparse and particle approaches
      Partners: Inria, Univ. Gustave Eiffel
      Keywords: Optical Flow, Low Rank Representation Lattice Boltzmann Method,  Structural Health Monitoring
      Access to the offer