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Criteria : Publication year >= “2023” to “2023”, Structure name or id is : “hycomes”
Number of occurrences founded : 4.
Criteria : Publication year >= “2023” to “2023”, Structure name or id is : “hycomes”
Number of occurrences founded : 4.
- titre
- Fault Diagnosability Analysis of Multi-Mode Systems
- auteur
- Fatemeh Hashemniya, Benoît Caillaud, Erik Frisk, Mattias Krysander, Mathias Malandain
- article
- 2023
- titre
- Mixed Nondeterministic-Probabilistic Automata
- auteur
- Albert Benveniste, Jean-Baptiste Raclet
- article
- Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, 2023, 33 (4), pp.455-505. ⟨10.1007/s10626-023-00375-x⟩
- titre
- Towards the separate compilation of Modelica: modularity and interfaces for the index reduction of incomplete DAE systems
- auteur
- Albert Benveniste, Benoît Caillaud, Mathias Malandain, Joan Thibault
- article
- Modelica 2023 – 15th International Modelica Conference, Oct 2023, Aachen, Germany. pp.10, ⟨10.3384/ecp204⟩
- titre
- Context-Aided Variable Elimination for Requirement Engineering
- auteur
- Inigo Incer, Albert Benveniste, Richard M Murray, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Sanjit A Seshia
- article
- 2023