March 08, 03. Grigory Aleksandrovich Solomatov

Title: Fast list decoding of algebraic geometry codes

Abstract: In this talk, we present an efficient list decoding algorithm 
for algebraic geometry (AG) codes. They are a natural generalization 
of Reed-Solomon codes and include some of the best codes in terms 
of robustness to errors. The proposed decoder follows the Guruswami-Sudan 
paradigm and is the fastest of its kind, generalizing the decoder for one-point 
Hermitian codes by J. Rosenkilde and P. Beelen to arbitrary AG codes. 
In this fully general setting, our decoder achieves the complexity 
$\widetilde{\mathcal{O}}(s \ell^{\omega}\mu^{\omega – 1}(n+g))$, where $n$ 
is the code length, $g$ is the genus, $\ell$ is the list size, $s$ is the multiplicity
and $\mu$ is the smallest nonzero element of the Weierstrass semigroup at 
some special place.

Joint work with J. Rosenkilde and P. Beelen.


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