
PhD students

  • Mikhail Bogdanov, Engineer, Amadeus, France
  • Alexandre Bos
  • Mickael Buchet, Post-Doc at The Ohio State University
  • Claire Caillerie
  • Manuel Caroli, Engineer, Intel, Portland, USA
  • Luca Castelli Aleardi, Assistant professor, École Polytechnique, Paris
  • Christophe Delage, Research engineer at IFP
  • Julia Flötotto, Engineer, Mental Images, Berlin
  • Arijit Ghosh, Visiting scientis, Advanced Computing and Microelectronics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India
  • Philippe Guigue, Engineer, Schaerer Mayfield Technologies, Berlin
  • Ross Hemsley, Citymapper, England
  • Hélène Lescornel
  • Clément Levrard, Université Paris Diderot – LPMA, France
  • Thomas Lewiner, Prof. PUC Rio de Janeiro
  • Sébastien Loriot, Geometry Factory (Sophia Antipolis)
  • Pedro Machado Manhães de Castro , Assistant professor, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, after a post-doc at KAUST
  • Clément Maria, Post-doc at The University of Queensland, Australia
  • Abdelkrim Mebarki, Assistant Professor, Oran, Algeria
  • Pooran Memari, CNRS researcher after a post doc at Caltech with Prof. Desbrun
  • Quentin Mérigot, CNRS researcher after a post-doc at Stanford University with Prof. Guibas
  • Nicolas Montana, Engineer, Dassault Systemes Provence
  • Trung Nguyen, Engineer, Amadeus, Sophia Antipolis
  • Bertrand Pellenard, Engineer, ANSYS, Lyon
  • Marc Pouget, Researcher, INRIA Nancy- project team Vegas
  • Laurent Rineau, Engineer, Geometry Factory (Sophia Antipolis)
  • Nader Salman, Engineer, Schlumberger, Montpellier Technology Center
  • Marie Samozino, Professor in high school
  • Jane Tournois, Engineer, Geometry Factory (Sophia Antipolis) after post doc at Vienna University with Prof. Pottmann
  • Camille Wormser, Engineer, Google, Zurich then New York, after a post doc at ETH Zurich with M. Pauly


  • Agnès Bessière, REV team, Inria Sophia
  • Caroline French, SAER team, Inria Sophia

Research Associates

  • Andreas Fabri, CEO, Geometry Factory (Sophia Antipolis)
  • Jean-Marie Morvan, Professor, Lyon University



  • Sonali Digambar Patil, Engineer – Sophia-Antipolis
  • Naceur Meskini, Engineer, ACRI ST – Sophia Antipolis
  • Andreas Meyer, Engineer, Smartshift (Germany)
  • Aymeric Pellé, Engineer, Amadeus
  • Laurent Saboret, Engineer, Transvalor
  • Stéphane Tayeb, Engineer, Geovariances
  • Radu Ursu, Engineer, Cadence


  • Aiman Chaker, Université Lyon 2
  • François Godi, ENS Rennes
  • Siargey Kachanovich, master intern – ENS Cachan (Sophia)
  • Stéphane Lundy, master intern – Centrale Supelec (Sophia)
  • Anatole Moreau, master intern (Saclay)
  • Arnaud Poinas, ENS Cachan
  • Georgios Samaras, University of Athens
  • Sivaprasad Sudhir, master intern – ITT Bombay (Sophia)
  • Venkata Yamajala