Category: Seminars

Inria visit

Abhinav Gupta will be visiting the WILLOW team in October.

CMU visit

Pavel Tokmakov (PhD student, Inria Thoth) will be visiting CMU 11 – 12 September.

Inria visit

Ishan Misra (CMU), PhD student of Martial Hebert and Abhinav Gupta has visited the teams in Paris and Grenoble in October. At Grenoble, he gave a talk on “Learning without exhaustive supervision”.

Inria Grenoble talk : Jean Ponce

Jean Ponce has given a talk on the collaboration with CMU, “Toward a Unified Geometric Framework for Computer Vision,” on 23rd September.

Inria Grenoble talk : Martial Hebert

Martial Hebert is giving a talk on “Reducing supervision for vision tasks” on the 22nd September during his visit to Inria.

CMU talk

Karteek Alahari has given a VASC seminar on the 7th July during his visit to CMU.