Category: Talks/conferences

FUN and Smart cities

Meet FUN at BIS and Inria Industry meeting on Smart Cities in May in SF: more info

Come to discuss with Anne-Sophie next Tuesday

Words from a computer science girl:

Tahiry’s habilitation

Yesterday,  Dec. 5th, Tahiry brilliantly defended his HDR in front a great committee. Congratulations to him !

Open World Forum 2014

The FUN group organizes the Internet of Things track of the Open World Forum 2014. Please, attend the event on October 4th in Paris. For more information, visit that link.

Nicolas’ PhD defense

The long list of FUN PhD defenses is launched with Nicolas. Very good defense and delicious drink party. To get to know more, that’s here. Congratulations to Dr Nicolas ! Do not miss the next ones: Milan (October 11th), Tony (November 15th) and Karen (December 10th).

Crossed Seasons – France – South Africa – Mirror event

In the context of the Crossed Seasons France South Africa, the FUN team participates in 2012 in the organization of a workshop in Stellenbosch around the deployment of wireless sensor networks. This year, they organize the mirror event in Villeneuve d’Ascq on Sept. 30rd and Oct. 1St. This event is free and everybody is welcome. …

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Visit of Pr. Arunabha Sen

The FUN team is pleased to welcome Pr. Arunabha Sen on August 19th. Pr. Sen will give an interesting talk on “Connectivity and Coverage Problems in Emerging Networks”. Efforts are currently underway in the U.S. Air Force to utilize a heterogeneous set of physical links (RF, Optical/Laser and SATCOM) to interconnect a set of terrestrial, …

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Palmares workshop

Most of the Palmares partners are gathered in Reggio Calabria for the final workshop. Please, follow our results on Palmares website.

International workshop on Internet of Things – Ideas and Perspectives (IoTIP-13)

The Inria FUN research group co-organizes the International workshop on Internet of Things – Ideas and Perspectives (IoTIP-13) in conjunction with IEEE DCOSS 2013 in Cambridge, MA, USA. For more details, please visit that link.

Milan’s unforgettable presentation

Today, we have a FUN seminar in which every member presented their work. Milan’s one is available here.