
List of publications


Bayen, T., Harmand, J., and Sebbah, M. 2017. Time-optimal control of concentrations changes in the chemostat with one single species. Applied Mathematical Modelling,  50:257-278. DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2017.05.037

Cabrol, L., Marone, A., Tapia Venegas, E., Steyer, J. P., Ruiz-Filippi, G., and Trably, E. 2017. Microbial ecology of fermentative hydrogen producing bioprocesses: useful insights for driving the ecosystem function FEMS Microbiology Reviews,  41(fuw043):158-181.  DOI:10.1093/femsre/fuw043

F. Mairet, H. Ramírez and A. Rojas-Palma. 2017. “Modeling and stability analysis of a microalgal pond with nitrification,” in Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 51, pp 448-468, 2017. doi: 10.1016/j.apm.2017.07.008

H. Ramírez, A. Rojas-Palma and D. Jeison. 2017. “Productivity optimization of microalgae cultivation in a batch photobioreactor process,” in Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, pp 1-21, 2017. doi: 10.1002/mma.4621

Mairet, F., H. Ramírez, and A. Rojas-Palma. “Modelling and stability analysis of a microalgal pond with nitrification.” ACTA DE RESUMENES LXXXIV Encuentro Anual Sociedad de Matemática de Chile 2015: 130.

Mairet F, Donoso-Bravo A, Gajardo P. (2014) Non-ideally mixed bioreactor: Analysis of a two-zone model. Submitted to Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering.

Bayen, T., Gajardo, P., & Mairet, F. (2013). Optimal synthesis for the minimum time control problems of fed-batch bioprocesses for growth functions with two maxima. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 158(2), 521-553.

Donoso-Bravo A, Mairet F. (2012) Determining the limiting reaction in anaerobic digestion processes. How has this been tackled? Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology 87:1375-1378.