Team presentation
The goal of the project is to better understand and well formalize the effects of complex environments on the dynamics of the interconnections, as well as to develop methods and tools for the analysis and control of such systems.
The applications deal with medecine (chronic and acute myeloid leukaemias), microbial ecology (anaerobic digesters) and nuclear energy (cryogenic installations, teleoperation schemes).
Research themes
- Modeling of complex environments
The environment is seen as a dynamical object in order to model phenomena such as a temporary loss of connection, a nonhomogeneous environment or the presence of the human factor in the control loop but also the problems involved with technological constraints.
- Robust control of interconnected systems
Questions of stability characterization or robust stabilization of possibly nonlinear infinite-diemensional are considered by various methods : $H_\infty$-control, nonlinear control via Lyapunov-Krassovski techniques, observers, adaptative control, predictive control, set invariance.
- Synthesis of reduced complexity controllers
Our main question is the determination of finite-dimensional controllers of low order for infinite-dimensional systems.
The development of algorithms and numerical methods for the implementation of our results (writing of scilab/matlab
toolboxes) supplement the mathematical analysis of the problems raised in each of these three lines of research.
International and industrial relations
Leeds University, Max Planck Institute, CSCD Newcastle, KU Leuven, NTNU Trondheim, University of Twente, University of Craiova, Bilkent University, University of California, Southern Illinois University,
Northeastern University, University of Maryland, Louisiana State University, Illinois Instute of Technology, Korea university.
CEA, CERN, SAGEM, INSERM UMRs 872, St Antoine Hospital