Using Maven

Author: Tayeb Merabti
Small modifications: Paweł Guzewicz

  1. Maven versioning:
    In Maven, when you deploy a new version of your JAR file, this version will be downloaded only once to the local repository because Maven never re-downloads releases. For this reason, new releases should use a new version number. In other words, when you are using 1.0, once Maven has downloaded this artifact as a release, it never tries to get a new 1.0 from the remote repository.If the project is still under development, you should use the -SNAPSHOT version. In this case, Maven will check for updates, and download or re-download the latest version from the remote repository to the local since the snapshots modules are stored with a timestamp and a build number and can be easily tracked.
  2. Using SNAPSHOT versions:
    1. In pom.xml, under <version> tag change the name to version-SNAPSHOT (e.g. 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT).
    2. Before running mvn deploy, it is important to configure correctly the snapshot server in the project pom.xml and in the settings.xml file:
      1. In the pom.xml, before the closing </build> tag add the <distibutionManagement>…</distibutionManagement> element:

        <name>CEDAR-commons MVN release repo</name><url></url></repository>
        <name>CEDAR-commons MVN snapshot repo</name>
        where cedarcommons-private-release corresponds to the release repository and cedarcommons-private-snapshot to the snapshot repository.
      2. The settings.xml file under the ~/.m2 directory must contain all connection information to release and snapshot repositories.Under the <servers> element add this server, note the password for the snapshot repository is the same password for the release repository:
        </server>Under the <repositories> element add:
        <name>CEDAR commons MVN snapshot repo</name>
  3. Deployment
    Run mvn deploy to deploy the new snapshot version in the snapshot repository.
  4. Update:
    Run mvn clean install to update dependencies in the local repository with the latest snapshot version.
  5. Best practices (to be extended…):
    Before the deployment of any packages, be sure that the latest dependencies “release and/or snapshot” are in remote repositories.Example: Suppose that you have two maven projects: A and B. Project B is one of the dependencies of project A. Locally, you make some changes in project B and you need to deploy project A. Before the deployment of A in the remote repository you need to deploy the updated version of B first.
  6. Advanced tips (not finished) and how to use mvn release:prepare and mvn release:perform:
    It is possible to link a maven project with a GitLab repository. To do so, in the pom.xml file, you need to add:

    Then, after the scm element, add the maven-release-plugin:
    Now, the project is configured with your GitLab repository and any change will be mentioned. For this, you can run mvn release:prepare.

  7. Useful commands:
    1. mvn dependency:analyze
      Finds explicit and implicit dependencies in the project and suggests to add or remove dependencies in pom.xml
    2. mvn versions:display-dependency-updates
      Shows the newest versions of your dependencies in pom.xml
    3. mvn versions:display-plugin-updates
      Shows the newest versions of plugins in pom.xml

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