StatCheck: Statistical Claim Checking
This project, carried in collaboration with RadioFrance, aims to help journalists with fact-checking tasks. We gathered heterogeneous data from different trusted sources, currently INSEE and Eurostat, in which we can perform fine-granularity search.
Further, we built a claim extraction module, that we paired with social network monitoring of French public figures.
Jun 2024: We publish an workload of statistical queries on INSEE datasets, together with a corpus of tables annotated for their relevance. You can find it here.
Mar 2024: StatCheck is featured in Les Echos’ article on AI use in the media:
Feb 2024: A general-audience presentation of the project, its genesis and its perspectives, from the perspectives of Inria and RadioFrance, is available here:
Social media posts acquisition
We regularly acquire the tweets and Facebook posts of public personalities of interest. This list, variable, contains mainly political personalities of the French government.
We provide an interface highligting the posts containing statistical or factual claims, and generate queries to evaluate the claim against our statistic corpus.
Video presentation
- A video presenting StatCheck is available here.
- 2024: A video presenting StatCheck updated search system is available here.
- Oana Balalau, Simon Ebel, Théo Galizzi, Ioana Manolescu, Quentin Massonnat (CEDAR),
Antoine Deiana, Emilie Gautreau, Antoine Krempf, Thomas Pointillon, Gérald Roux, Joanna Yakin (Radio France) Statistical Claim Checking: StatCheck in Action (demonstration), ACM CIKM 2022, Atlanta, USA. Also informally shown at BDA 2022, Clermont-Ferrand, France. - Oana Balalau, Simon Ebel, Théo Galizzi, Ioana Manolescu, Quentin Massonnat (CEDAR),
Antoine Deiana, Emilie Gautreau, Antoine Krempf, Thomas Pointillon, Gérald Roux, Joanna Yakin (Radio France) Fact-checking Multidimensional Statistic Claims in French. Truth And Trust Online (TTO) Conference, Boston, USA, 2022. - Oana Balalau, Simon Ebel, Helena Galhardas, Théo Galizzi, Ioana Manolescu STaR: Space and Time-aware Statistic Query Answering. ACM CIKM 2024, Boise, USA. Also informally shown at BDA 2024, Orléans, France.