Internship position 2024 in Mathematics, Scientific Computing or Applied Mathematics

The CaliSto team at Inria is looking for a Master trainee, on the topics of stochastic analysis and probabilistic numerical analysis, motivated to pursue as a PhD candidate. Stochastic dynamics of particles interacting with surface Field: Stochastic & Modeling Expected profile: Last-year master student (M2) in Mathematics, Scientific Computing Detailed…

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• PhD Defense announcement at CFL/Cemef

Robin Vallée will defend his  PhD thesis on “Suspensions of inertial particles in turbulent flows”. The defense will take place  Thursday the 30th at 2p.m., French time, remotely using Zoo. Here is the Abstract. supervisors :  Jérémie Bec and Elie Hachem. Join Zoom Meeting ID: 883 3082 7304Passcode: 448057

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• PhD Defense announcement

Sofia Allende Contador will defend her PhD thesis on “Dynamics and Statistics of Elongated and Flexible Particles in Turbulent Flows.” The defense will take place this Thursday March 4 at 14:00, French time.   Abstract : This thesis analyses the dynamics of small complex objects, such as fibres or spheroids,…

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• Spreading factors and social distancing

The Covid-19 pandemic has triggered a large number of scientific studies that resorted to numerical simulations of droplet dispersion in order to design social distancing measures (e.g. a minimal distance between two individuals). The project Spreading_Factors aims at setting up a methodology to help quantify the relative importance between the…

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