Welcome to Camilo AGUILAR-HERRERA

Camilo  Aguilar-Herrera will join us as a postdoc (funded by BPI France) on January 4th 2021.

He will be working with Mathias Ortner at Airbus Defense and Space in Toulouse and Josiane Zerubia at Inria.

Congratulations to Josiane Zerubia for her 2020 achievements

Josiane Zerubia received the following awards in 2020 :

  • IAPR Fellow
  • Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Szeged (Hungary)
  • Prize of excellence of UCA (Université Côte d’Azur)

Invited talk, Josiane Zerubia, Silicon Valley

Josiane Zerubia gave a virtual IEEE Distringuished Lecturer talk in the Silicon Valley on December 9, invited by Intel Research, HP Labs and Santa-Clara IEEE SPS chapter.

Welcome to Martina PASTORINO

Martina Pastorino will join us as a joint PhD student between Italy
and France on November 2, 2020.

She will be working in ‘co-tutelle’ with both Josiane Zerubia at Inria
(AYANA) and Gabriele Moser at UGenoa (DITEN) funded by the Italian

Welcome to Jules MABON

Jules MABON will join us as a PhD student (funded by BPI France) on October 1, 2020.

He will be working in collaboration with Mathias Ortner at Airbus Defense and Space in Toulouse and Josiane ZERUBIA at Inria.

Welcome to Bilel KANOUN

Bilel Kanoun joined us as a UCA-AI postdoc mid-September, 2020.

He will be working in collaboration with Isabelle MANIGHETTI at Geoazur and Josiane ZERUBIA at Inria.

Job Offer : Master internship

Change Detection in Multi-temporal Remote Sensing Imagery Using Statistical and Deep Learning Approaches

  • Duration : 5/6 months
  • Starting date : March/April 2020
  • More details

New contract with Airbus Defence & Space

AYANA just got a 4-year contract with Airbus Defence & Space for detection and tracking of small objects of interest in satellite images.

Welcome to Bahram JAFRASTEH

Bahram JAFRASTEH will join us as a UCA-AI postdoc on January 13, 2020.

He will be working in collaboration with Isabelle MANIGHETTI at Geoazur and Josiane ZERUBIA at Inria.

Creation of AYANA team

The AYANA exploratory action has been created on January 1st 2020