Louis Hauseux invited to give a talk at University of Genoa (DITEN) on Monday, April 8th.

Prof. G. Moser and Prof. S. B. Serpico (from DITEN, UniGenoa, Italy) invited Louis Hauseux to give a seminar on “Density-based clustering: (Hyper-)Graphs & Percolation”.

« Forum des métiers », la suite : Josiane Zerubia rencontre un collégien passionné par l’Espace.

Josiane Zerubia et Brigitte Trousse, chercheuses à l’Inria, au « Forum des métiers » à Cannes.

Multiple PhD thesis defences in Ayana

Congratulations to Martina (Dec. 12) & Jules (Dec. 20), who both defended their PhD thesis in December 2023!!!

Priscilla just started her PhD thesis

Congrats and good luck to Priscilla Indira Osa (who did a Master internship within Ayana team). She started her PhD on November 1st 2023 at DITEN UniGenoa (PhD advisor: Prof. Serpico and co-advisor: Prof. Moser) in collaboration with Ayana (co-advisor: Prof. Zerubia).

Congratulations to Louis Hauseux for starting his PhD !

Louis Hauseux has obtained a scholarship from DS4H and 3IA to carry out his doctoral program“Clusterization models on random graphs with applications to social networks and image processing” from the 1st Oct. 2023, supervised by K. Avrachenkov (NEO Inria team) and co-supervised by J. Zerubia (AYANA Inria team).

Josiane Zerubia in IAPR July-23 Newsletter

“Getting to Know” and “Her Story” of Josiane Zerubia, an IAPR Fellow for contributions to stochastic image modelling for classification, segmentation, and object detection in remote sensing. Available at https://iapr.org/2023/07/july-2023-newsletter/

Josiane Zerubia parmi les femmes inspirantes de Femme&Science

A voir ici : https://www.femmesetsciences.fr/femmes-inspirantes

Article on Women in Signal Processing – IEEE Signal Processing – 75th Anniversary

For the IEEE Signal Processing Society 75th Anniversary special issue, Rabab Kreidieh Ward, picked Josiane Zerubia – amongst others – to illustrate their article on The Evolution of Women in Signal Processing and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (available online).

IEEE SPS Member Highlight: Josiane Zerubia

Josiane Zerubia was interwied for IEEE Signal Processing Newsletter : available on the IEEE SPS website