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EURASIP – IEEE SPS Summer School (Veszprem, Hungary), S01E02.

Congratulations to Priscilla Indira Osa who got both the best poster award and, with Martina Pastorino, the best student research project award 🥇🥇 Josiane Zerubia also got a honorific medal from KEPAF for her 35 years of collaboration with many Hungarian universities and SZTAKI, which is part of ERCIM.

“Ayana, an exploratory action to support the future of space exploration”

AEx Ayana is mentioned in the Inria news of today 🙂👉 Here is the link.

EURASIP – IEEE SPS Summer School (Veszprem, Hungary) organized in honor of Josiane Zerubia, S01E01.

See the article published by Inria. This summer school will take place from Sunday, July 28 until Friday, August 2.

Louis Hauseux at the ACM SIGMETRICS Student Research Competition (SRC)

Selected for a poster session, Louis competed with 11 other students for summer SIGMETRICS award in June at Venice, Italy. He got the 2nd prize at ACM Student Research Competition 🙂

Josiane Zerubia is invited to give a talk and visit the university of Durham, UK

From July 2-17 2024, Josiane Zerubia will visit the Department of Mathematical Sciences at Durham University, invited by Prof. Ian Jermyn. She will give a talk on “Learning point processes and CNNs for object detection in satellite images”.

Louis Hauseux @ GeoSto24

During the last week of May, at the Stochastic Geometric Days 2024 in May at Tours, Louis Hauseux will present a poster on “How can we theoretically measure the performance of density-based clustering algorithms?”

Martina Pastorino will give a seminar on May 23 at Inrae, Montpellier.

Martina was invited by the joint Inria-Inrae-CIRAD Evergreen team to visit their lab from May 22 to 24 and to give a seminar at this occasion.

Louis Hauseux was invited to give a remote talk at the University of Toronto on May 8

During the workshop “Modelling and Mining Complex Networks as Hypergraphs“, Louis presented his research work entitled “Density-based clustering: (Hyper-)Graphs & Percolation”.

Louis Hauseux was invited to give a talk at University of Genoa (DITEN) on Monday, April 8th.

Prof. G. Moser and Prof. S. B. Serpico (from DITEN, UniGenoa, Italy) invited Louis Hauseux to give a seminar on “Density-based clustering: (Hyper-)Graphs & Percolation”.

« Forum des métiers », la suite : Josiane Zerubia rencontre un collégien passionné par l’Espace.