Author's posts

Vinci project funding accepted !

Martina Pastorino’s Vinci project has been funded by Université Franco-Italienne !

Talk: Girls, Mathematics and Computer Science

Martina Pastorino  and Josiane Zerubia participated on April 26, 2022 to the day “Girls, Mathematics and Computer Science” at Lycée du Val d’Argens in Le Muy (83). They talked in front of 83 female students to encourage them to follow a scientific cursus leading to technical jobs. Newsletter Terra-Numerica, Avril 2022

Talk: Girls, Mathematics and Computer Science

Josiane Zerubia participated on Dec 2, 2021 to the day “Girls, Mathematics and Computer Science” at Lycée Dumont d’Urville in Toulon (83). She talked in front of 138 female students to encourage them to follow a scientific cursus leading to technical jobs. Newsletter Terra-Numerica, Novembre-Decembre 2021

Bravo to Martina Pastorino for her Université Côte d’Azur Prize of excellence

Martina Pastorino will receive the Prize of excellence of Université Côte d’Azur on December 10, 2021. https://univ-cotedazur.fr/events-uca/prix-excellence/martina-pastorino

Josiane Zerubia received the Doctor Honoris Causa from Szeged University

Josiane Zerubia received the Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Szeged (Hungary) on November 13, 2021. She gave two seminars on Tuesday November 16 at the computer science department University of Szeged, and on November Thursday November 18 at SZTAKI Institute in Budapest.

Congratulations to Martina Pastorino for her best student paper award

Congratulations to Martina Pastorino who just got the 1st best student paper award at IGARSS’21 (IEEE GRSS Mikio Tabagi prize)!

Welcome to Camilo AGUILAR-HERRERA

Camilo  Aguilar-Herrera will join us as a postdoc (funded by BPI France) on January 4th 2021. He will be working with Mathias Ortner at Airbus Defense and Space in Toulouse and Josiane Zerubia at Inria.

Congratulations to Josiane Zerubia for her 2020 achievements

Josiane Zerubia received the following awards in 2020 : IAPR Fellow Doctor Honoris Causa of University of Szeged (Hungary) Prize of excellence of UCA (Université Côte d’Azur)

Invited talk, Josiane Zerubia, Silicon Valley

Josiane Zerubia gave a virtual IEEE Distringuished Lecturer talk in the Silicon Valley on December 9, invited by Intel Research, HP Labs and Santa-Clara IEEE SPS chapter.

Welcome to Martina PASTORINO

Martina Pastorino will join us as a joint PhD student between Italy and France on November 2, 2020. She will be working in ‘co-tutelle’ with both Josiane Zerubia at Inria (AYANA) and Gabriele Moser at UGenoa (DITEN) funded by the Italian Government.