The research project ANTS (Advanced Numerical meThods for helioSeismology) is a joint collaboration between the
Inria Project-Team Makutu and the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS).
January 2023
- The paper “Imaging individual active regions on the Sun’s far side with improved helioseismic holography‘‘ by D. Yang, L. Gizon and H. Barucq is published in Astronomy & Astrophysics,
November 2022
- The paper “Low-order Prandtl-Glauert-Lorentz based Absorbing Boundary Conditions for solving the convected Helmholtz equation with Discontinuous Galerkin methods” by H. Barucq, N. Rouxelin and S. Tordeux is published in the Journal of Computational Physics,
October 2022
- Annual Ants Workshop on Helioseismology is held at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour
June 2022
- D. Fournier and H. Pham participate in the ECCOMAS Congress 2022 in Oslo with two presentations on helioseismology.
December 2021
- Nathan Rouxelin successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “Mixed hybrid numerical methods for convected acoustics. Applications in helioseismology” at the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour.
- Florian Faucher presented the work “Efficient computation of modal Green’s kernels with application to helioseismology” at the AGU Fall Meeting 2021.
October 2021
- The research report “Efficient computation of modal Green’s kernels for vectorial equations in helioseismology under spherical symmetry” is now online:
June 2021
- The paper “Outgoing modal solutions for Galbrun’s equation in helioseismology” by H. Barucq, F. Faucher, D. Fournier, L. Gizon, and H. Pham is published in the Journal of Differential Equations,
- The research report “HDG and HDG+ methods for harmonic wave problems with convection” by H. Barucq, N. Rouxelin and S. Tordeux is now online:
March 2021
- Annual Ants Workshop on Helioseismology is held online.
February 2021
- [The Kavli Summer Program is annouced]
The Kavli Summer Program In Astrophysics 2021 will be this summer, from June 7th to July 16th.
January 2021
- Version 1.0 of software hawen is published in the Journal of Open-Source software: “hawen: time-harmonic wave modeling and inversion using hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin discretization’‘, Equations,
October 2020
- Hélène Barucq participated in the diffusion event “fête de la science” organized by Inria to talk about the numerical tools for Solar wave propagation.
September 2020
- The paper “Efficient and accurate algorithm for the full modal Green’s kernel of the scalar wave equation in helioseismology” by H. Barucq, F. Faucher, D. Fournier, L. Gizon and H. Pham is published in SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,
- The preprint “C2 representations of the solar background coefficients for the model S-AtmoI” by F. Faucher, D. Fournier and H. Pham is available on Arxiv,
June 2020
- [The 2020 Kavli Summer Program is canceled]
The Kavli Summer Program In Astrophysics 2020, which was supposed to be held at the MPS in Göttingen from June 15th to June 24th has been canceled.
April 2020
- The research report “Efficient computation of the modal outgoing Green’s kernel for the scalar wave equation in helioseismology” is now online:
- The research report “On the outgoing solutions and radiation boundary conditions for the vectorial wave equation with ideal atmosphere in helioseismology” is now online:
February 2020
- Majid Pourabdian successfully defended his Ph.D. thesis “inverse problems in local helioseismology” at the MPS.
December 2019
- The annual Ants Workshop on computational helioseismology took place at Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest, December 3, 4, 5.
August 2019
- Waves conference is held in Vienna, Damien Fournier is presenting his work on “Imaging the Solar Interior with Seismic Holography”
July 2019
- The research report “Outgoing solutions to the scalar wave equation in helioseismology” is online
- The minisymposium “Inverse problems in Astronomy: from the Sun to the Earth and beyond” is held at the Applied Inverse Problems (AIP) Conference in Grenoble
June 2019
- Nathan Rouxelin (Inria Magique 3D) is visiting the Max Planck Institute in Göttingen