Stefanie Hahmann

Picture Stefanie Hahmann Professor at the University Grenoble INP – Ensimag
Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann LJK, member of the INRIA team Anima.


Prof. Dr. Stefanie Hahmann INRIA – LJK, 655 av. de l’Europe, 38334 Saint Ismier (France) Tel : (+33) 476 61 55 54, email: Stefanie.Hahmann @    Stefanie.Hahmann @

logo SMAlogo GTMG logo-SIAM logo GDR IGRVLogo GDR IM  width= logo MSTII  width=


  Lauréate du Tosiyasu L.Kunii Distinguished Researcher award 2024, Shape Modeling International, Interview
  Lauréate du John Gregory Memorial award 2024
  Lauréate du Prix de recherche Gay Lussac-Humboldt (Humboldt Forschungspreis) 2022
Alexander von Humboldt Foundadtion
FET OPEN  project (EU Horizon 2020, grant no. 862025)  2020-2024


Short Bio

Research in Computer Graphics
Stefanie Hahmann is a professor at the University Grenoble INP, France, and a member of the INRIA research team Anima, part of Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann. A graduate in Mathematics from the TU Braunschweig and University Paris VI, she received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern in 1994. She was an associate professor from 1995 to 2005 and became a full professor in 2006.
Her research focuses on computer graphics and geometric modeling. She is interested in the development of geometric models and computational tools for the expressive representation, synthesis, modeling and computational fabrication of shapes. Grounded in the differential geometric properties of free-form surfaces, her work mainly centers on the creation of user-friendly algorithms that make the design and manipulation of 3D virtual objects more accessible to users. Contributions over the years include high-level models for 3D shapes and animation, reconstruction of shapes from sketches and sensor data, multiresolution methods, feature detection, shape deformation tools, applications to CAD/CAM, my early surface fairing and interrogation algorithms.
Stefanie Hahmann was program co-chair and general co-chair of many international conferences in the field of shape modeling and has organized five Dagstuhl seminars on Geometric Modeling. She served in the steering committees of SMI, SPM, SIAM GD and is now a member of the editorial boards of Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computers & Graphics. In France, she led the French Geometric Modeling working group (GTMG) part of CNRS for more than a decade. Stefanie Hahmann is a Fellow of the Solid Modeling association and in 2022, the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation awarded her the Gay-Lussac Humboldt Prize.

(selected) publications

editorial activities

Associate Editor of Computers & Graphics (CAG)
Associate Editor of Computer Aided Design (CAD)

research topics in Geometric Modeling and Computer Graphics

Sketch-based modeling: garment design, terrain editing, developable surfaces
Bending active surfaces: inverse design, computational design and fabrication
Shape-from-Sensors: Surface reconstruction from micro-sensors
Modeling and animation of crumpling paper
Animation of deformable objects with skinning
Surface splines, G1 interpolation of quad meshes, G1 triangular splines
Shape decomposition and classification
CAD applications: computing interface in assemblies, Idealization transforms, extraction of generative processes from B-rep shapes
Multiresolution curves and surfacesHierarchical surface models
Deformation of surfaces: volume preserving FFD,
Morphing, Simplification
Surface Interrogation: generalized focal surfaces
Fairing algorithms for NURBS.


Habilitation Computer Science, 2001, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Ph.D. Computer Science, 1994, University Kaiserslautern, Germany (advisor H.Hagen)
M.S. Applied Mathematics, 1988-1989, ENS Cachan and University Paris VI, France
M.S. Mathematics and Computer Science, 1986-1990, TU Braunschweig, Germany
B.S. Mathematics, 1984-1986, TU Braunschweig, Germany

appointments held

2023 – 2024 Visiting Professor, Freie Universität Berlin, invited by Prof. Dr. K. Polthier
2022 – 2023 Visiting Professor, Universität Leibzig, invited by Prof. Dr. G. Scheuermann
2008 – 2009 Guest Professor, TU Kaiserslautern, invited by Prof. Dr. H. Hagen
Since 2006 Professor at Grenoble INP – Ensimag
1995 – 2006 Associate Professor,  Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
1991 – 1995 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Universität Kaiserslautern


2024 Tosiyasu Kunii Distinguised Reasearcher Award by the Shape Modeling International committee
2024 John A. Gregory Award
2022 Gay Lussac-Humboldt-Forschungspreis (Humboldt Research Award)
2019 Fellow of SMA, Solid Modeling association
2008 DFG Mercator Fellow
1988 DAAD Fellow

university and department activities

Chair of University Department, Mathematical Modeling, Images and Simulation MMIS at Ensimag-Grenoble INP (2013-2022)
Member of the Scientific Council of the University Grenoble INP (2020-2023)
Grenoble Graduate School MSTII : Head of the specialty Math-CS (2011-2022)
Member of the doctoral studies Committee at Inria Rhone-Alpes (2014-2022)
Member of the advisory board of the Laboratory Jean Kuntzmann, Grenoble (2007-2016)
Member of the Pedagogical and Student Life Commission (CPVE) at Ensimag (2012-2016)
Member of the Scientific Council of the University Grenoble INP (2003-2006)
Member of the board of directors of Ensimag (1998-2006)
Membre CSE INPG, sections 25,26,27 (1998-2002, 2002-2006)
Vice-Présidente CSE INPG, sections 25,26,27 (2002-2006)

service to the community

Shape Modeling International member of steering committee since 2022
Member of the board of directors EG-FR – European Association for Computer Graphics – French chapter, Secretary since 2021
Member of the Board of directors AFIG – French Association of Computer Graphics, 2020-2023
Chair of GTMG, the French Geometric Modeling working group (GDR-IM and GDR-IGRV) (2006-2019)
Solid Modeling Association executive board member (2013-2017)
Member of executive board of GDR IGRV part of CNRS (until 2019)
Vice-Chair of SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Modeling (2011-2013)
Program Director of SIAM Activity Group on Geometric Modeling (2009-2011)

scientific activities

Organisation of international Dagstuhl Seminars on Geometric Modeling at Leibniz Center for Informatics, Germany 
co-organizers: F. Chen, T.Dokken, T.Grandine, S. Hahmann 2011 co-organizers: T. Grandine, S. Hahmann, J.Peters, W.Wang 2008 co-organizers: G. Farin, S. Hahmann, J.Peters, W. Wang 2005 co-organizers: G.Brunnett, G.Farin, R. Goldman, S.Hahmann 2002 co-organizers: G.Brunnett, G.Farin, R. Goldman, S.Hahmann

Technical Program Chair
EG 2022 (tutorials), Eurographics, Reims, France
SMI 2018, Shape Modeling International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
SPM 2017, ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Berkeley, part of 3SPM 2017,
SPM 2016, ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Berlin,
SPM 2012, ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, Dijon
GD/SPM 2011, SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling, Orlando

General Chair
2025 Intern. Conf. on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP25), St. Louis USA
2022 Shape Modeling international (SMI22), Singapore
2021 Shape Modeling International (SMI21), Texas
2019 ACM Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM19), Vancouver
2013 SIAM Conference on Geometric and Physical Modeling (GD/SPM13), Denver
2003 IEEE Symposium on Visualization (VisSym03), Grenoble

Technical program committee member
SMI24, SPM24, SPM23, SPM22, SGP2021, SPM2021, SIAM GD2021, SPM2020, SIAM GD2020, SGP 2019, SPM 2018, Eurographics 2017, SGP 2017, SMI 2017, Eurographics 2016, SMI 2016, CGI 2015, SIAM GD/SPM 2015, Eurographics 2014, SPM 2014, CGI 2014, Eurographics 2013, CGI 2013, SMI 2013, SIAM GD/SPM 2013, SPM 2012, Eurographics 2011, SMI 2011, SIAM GD/SPM 2011, SMI 2010, GMP 2010, SPM 2010, SIAM GD/SPM 2009, GMP 2009, SMI 2009, SMI 2008, PG 2008, PG 2007, CAD 2007, SIAM GD 2007, SMI 2006,  PG 2005, SMI 2005, IEEE Vis 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, Curves and Surfaces 1996, 1999

European projects
PI of FET OPEN (EU Horizon 2020) ADAM2  –  ANALYSIS, DESIGN And MANUFACTURING using MICROSTRUCTURES EU contract no. 862025, 2020-2024
Member of FP6 NETWORK OF EXCELLENCE 2004-2008 – AIM@SHAPE. EU Contract No. 506766.
Member of RESEARCH TRAINING NETWORK (RTN) 2000-2004 – MINGLE. EU Contract No. HPRNCT-1999-00117.

Ph.D. students

Anandhu Sureshkumar (Telecom-Paris) 2023-2026
Emmanuel Rodriguez (FET-open Project ADAM2) 2020-2024
Youna Le Vaou (Cifre PSA) 2017-2020, Thesis, Assistante de production, La Cabane Production, Paris
Amélie Fondevilla (MENRT) 2016-2019, Thesis, Studio animation Les Fées Spéciales, Montpellier
Tibor Stanko (CEA) 2014-2017, Thesis, Data Engineering, Zurich Insurance, Bratislava
Camille Schreck (ERC Expressive) 2013-2016, Thesis, Researcher at INRIA Lorraine
Leo Allemand-Giorgis (MENRT) 2012-2015, Thesis, COO chez Lexip, Grenoble
Flavien Boussuge (Cifre EADS) 2011-2014, Thesis, R&D
Christopher Weber (DFG-IRTG 1311) 2008-2011, PostDoc at UC Davis
Damien Rohmer (MENRT) 2007-2011, Thesis, University Professor at Ecole Polytechnique, Paris-Saclay
Melanie Cornillac (MENRT) 2006-2010, Thesis, R&D Metrologic Group
Basile Sauvage (MENRT) 2002-2005, Thesis, University Professor, HDR, ULP Strasbourg
Alex Yvart (CNRS-BDI) 2001-2004, Thesis, R&D Renault, Directeur de Programme Digital chez Sopra Banking Software
Riadh Taleb (funding by foreign government), 1997-2001, Thesis, professeur de Mathématiques

Teaching at ENSIMAG (part of Grenoble INP, Univ. Grenoble Alpes)

 Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble
Main courses with responsibility for modules (L3, M1 and M2 levels) in Algorithms and data structures, Numerical methods, Geometric Modeling, Surface Modelling, Scientific Visualisation, Matlab exercises and projects.


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