Designing Bending-Active Freeform Surfaces. Emmanuel Rodriguez, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Mélina Skouras. 9th ACM Symposium of Computational Fabrication 2024 (SCF’24), article no. 3, pp.1-11 (2024). | |
3D sketching in immersive environments: Shape from disordered ribbon strokes. Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann. (SMI’24) Computers & Graphics 123, 103978 (2024). | |
Computational Design of Laser-Cut Bending Active Structures. Emmanuel Rodriguez, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Mélina Skouras. (SPM 2022), Computer Aided Design 151, pp.1-12 (2022). SPM’22 Best Paper Award. | |
Geometric construction of auxetic metamaterials. Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Johana Marku. (Eurographics 2021), Computer Graphics Forum 40 (2), pp. 291-303 (2021). | EG talk (May 2021) | |
Fashion Transfer : Dressing 3D Characters from Stylized Fashion Sketches. Amélie Fondevilla, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Adrien Bousseau, Marie-Paule Cani. Computer Graphics Forum 40 (6), pp. 466-483 (2021). | |
Feature lines modification based on ASAN surface deformation. Youna Le Vaou, Jean-Claude Léon, Stefanie Hahmann, Stéphane Masfrand, Matthieu Mika. Computer Aided Design 140, pp. 1-23 (2021) | |
As-Stiff-As-Needed Surface Deformation Combining ARAP Energy with an Anisotropic Material. Youna Le Vaou, Jean-Claude Léon, Stefanie Hahmann, Stéphane Masfrand, Matthieu Mika. Computer-Aided Design 121, pp.1-15, 2020. | |
3D Design Of Ancient Garments. Mélanie Carrière, Mélina Skouras, Stefanie Hahmann. GCH 2019 – EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Nov 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. pp.1-5 | |
Approximate Reconstruction of 3D Scenes From Bas-Reliefs.Pierre Casati, Rémi Ronfard, Stefanie Hahmann. GCH 2019 – EUROGRAPHICS conference on Graphics and Cultural Heritage, Nov 2019, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. pp.1-10 | |
Proceedings of SMI’18, Shape Modeling International 2018. Abel Gomes, Stefanie Hahmann, Evangelos Kalogerakis (eds.), Special Issue of Computers & Graphics 74, pp. 33-243, Elsevier (2018). FOREWORD. |
A Salience Measure for 3D Shape Decomposition and Sub-parts Classification. Thibault Blanc-Beyne, Geraldine Morin, Kathryn Leonard, Stefanie Hahmann, Axel Carlier. Graphical Models (GMOD) 99, p. 22-30, (2018). Project page | |
Shape from sensors: Curve networks on surfaces from 3D orientations. Tibor Stanko, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Nathalie Saguin-Sprynski. Computers & Graphics 66, p 74-84, (2017). SMI’17 Best Paper Award, Project Page | |
Proceedings of SPM’17, Conference on Solid and Physical Modeling 2017. Mario Botsch, Stefanie Hahmann, Jessica Zhang (eds.), Special Issue of Computer Aided Design, Volume 90, 209 pages, Elsevier (2017). FOREWORD |
Morphorider: Acquisition and Reconstruction of 3D Curves with Mobile Sensors. Tibor Stanko, Nathalie Saguin-Sprynski, Laurent Jouanet, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau. IEEE Sensors (2017). | |
Patterns from Photograph: Reverse-Engineering Developable Products. Amélie Fondevilla, Adrien Bousseau, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani, Computers & Graphics, Volume 66, p.4-13 (2017). Project page |
Computing Contour Trees for 2D Piecewise Polynomial Functions. Girijanandan Nucha, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Vijay Natarajan, IEEE/EG EuroVis 2017, Computer Graphics Forum 36 (3), pp.23-33, (2017). |
Interactive paper tearing. Camille Schreck, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Eurographics 2017, Computer Graphics Forum 36 (2), pp.95-106 (2017). Projet Page |
Surfacing curve networks with normal control. Tibor Stanko, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Nathalie Saguin-Sprynski. Computers & Graphics 60, p1-8, (2016). | |
A 2D Shape Structure for Decomposition and Part Similarity. Kathryn Leonard, Geraldine Morin, Stefanie Hahmann, Axel Carlier. Proceedings ICPR 2016, Cancun Mexico (2016). Project page | |
Proceedings of SPM’16, Conference on Solid and Physical Modeling 2016, Mario Botsch, Stefanie Hahmann, Scott Schaefer (eds.), Special Issue of Computer Aided Design, Volume 78, 208 pages, Elsevier (2016) |
The 2D Shape Structure Dataset: A User Annotated Open Access Database. Axel Carlier, Kathryn ogoeonard, Stefanie Hahmann, Geraldine Morin, Misha Collins. SMI’16, Computer & Graphics 58, pp. 23-30 (2016). The database is available here. (Reproducibility Award) | |
Real-time sound synthesis for paper material based on geometric analysis. Camille Schreck, Damien Rohmer, Doug James, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani. ACM Siggraph/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA 2016), pp.1-10, Zürich, (2016). Project page VIDEO (Best Paper Award) | |
Piecewise polynomial Reconstruction of Scalar Fields from Simplified Morse-Smale Complexes. Leo Allemand-Giorgis, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, In: Carr H., Garth C., Weinkauf T. (eds) Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization IV. TopoInVis 2015. Mathematics and Visualization. Springer (2017). | |
Surfacing Curve Networks with Normal Control. Tibor Stanko, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Nathalie Saguin. Computers & Graphics (CAG) 60, pp. 1-8 (2016). Project page | |
Non-smooth developable geometry for interactively animating paper crumpling. Camille Schreck , Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani, Shuo JIN, Charlie C.L. Wang, Jean-Francis Bloch, ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG) 35 (1), p. 10:1–10:18, (2015). Project page VIDEO, presented at SIGGRAPH 2016. | |
Sketching Folds: Developable Surfaces from Non-Planar Silhouettes. Amaury Jung, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer, Marie-Paule Cani, Antoine Bégault, Laurence Boissieux, ACM Transaction on Graphics (TOG) 34 (5), p.155:1–155:12, (2015). VIDEO, presented at SIGGRAPH ASIA 2015. | |
Real-Time Continuous Self Replicating Details for Shape Deformation. Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani, SMI’15, Computers and Graphics, Vol. 51, p.67-73 (2015). VIDEO | |
Replaceable Substructures for Efficient Part-Based Modeling Han Liu, Ulysse Vimont, Michael Wand, Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Damien Rohmer, Niloy Mitra: Eurographics 2015, Computer Graphics Forum 34 (2), pp. 1-11 (2015). VIDEO Project Page | |
Piecewise polynomial monotonic interpolation of 2D gridded data Léo Allemand-Giorgis, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, Fabien Vivodtzev: in Topological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data, Bennett, Janine; Vivodtzev, Fabien; Pascucci, Valerio. (eds.), Springer, Mathematics and Visualization (2015). | |
Interactively animating crumpling paper Camille Schreck, Damien Rohmer, Stefanie Hahmann, Marie-Paule Cani: ACM conference womENcourage 2015, Uppsala, Sweden, (2015). | |
Idealized Models for FEA Derived from Generative Modeling Processes Based on Extrusion Primitives Flavien Boussuge, Jean-Claude Léon, Stefanie Hahmann, Lionel Fine: Engineering with Computers 31, p. 513-527, Springer Verlag (Germany), (2015). | |
Flexible G1 interpolation of quad meshes Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann Graphical Models 76, p. 669-681, 2014 (presented at GMP’14) | |
First-person sketch-based terrain editing Flora Ponjou Tasse, Arnaud Emilien, Marie-Paule Cani, Stefanie Hahmann, Neil Dodgson Computers & Graphics 45, p. 101-115, 2014, (presented at GI’14) | |
Computation of components’ interfaces in highly complex assemblies F. Jourdes, GP. Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, JC. Leon, F. Faure Computer Aided Design 46, pp. 170-178, 2014 2013 SIAM conference on Geometric and Physical modeling. (online version) | |
Extraction of generative processes fromB-Rep shapes and application to idealization transformations F. Boussuge, JC. Leon, Stefanie Hahmann, L. Fine Computer Aided Design 46, pp. 79-89, 2014 2013 SIAM conference on Geometric and Physical modeling. (online version) | |
Idealized Models for FEA Derived from Generative Modeling Processes Based on Extrusion Primitives F. Boussuge, JC. Leon, Stefanie Hahmann, L. Fine 22nd International Meshing Roundtable (IMR), Orlando Josep Sarrate, Matthew Staten (eds.), Springer, pp. 127–145, 2013. | |
An analysis of DMU transformation requirements for structural assembly simulations Flavien Boussuge, Jean-Claude Leon, Stefanie Hahmann, Lionel Fine 8th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (ECT’12), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2012) | |
Sharp feature preserving MLS surface reconstruction based on local feature line approximations C. Weber, S. Hahmann, H. Hagen, GP. Bonneau Graphical Models 74 (6), p. 335-345 (2012). | |
Volume preserving FFD for programmable Graphics hardware S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau, S. Barbier, G. Elber, H. Hagen The Visual Computer, Volume 28, Number 3, p. 231-245 (2012). | |
Folded paper Geometry from 2D Pattern and 3D Contour D. Rohmer, M.-P. Cani, S. Hahmann, B. Thibert Eurographics 2011, short paper, Avril 2011. | |
Substructure Topology Preserving Simplification of Tetrahedral Meshes F. Vivodtzev, G.-P. Bonneau, S. Hahmann, H. Hagen in Topological Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, Springer (Ed.), p. 55-66 (2011). | |
Animation Wrinkling: Augmenting Coarse Cloth Simulations with Realistic-Looking Wrinkles D. Rohmer, T. Popa, M.-P. Cani, S. Hahmann, A. Sheffer SIGGRAPH Asia 2010, Seoul ACM Transactions on Graphics 29 (6), (2010). | |
Active Geometry for Game Characters D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani Motion in Games (MIG’10), in Boulic R., Chrysanthou Y. et Komura T. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 6459, p. 170-181 (2010). | |
Sharp Feature Detection in Point Clouds C. Weber, S. Hahmann, H. Hagen International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, SMI’10, p. 175-186 Aix-en-Provence, France (2010). | |
Exact volume preserving skinning with shape control D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani SCA’09, ACM/EG Symposium of Computer Animation 2009. | |
Local Volume Preservation for Skinned Characters D. Rohmer, S. Hahmann, M.-P. Cani Pacific Graphics 2008 Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 27, Number 7, p. 1919-1927 (2008). | |
Detail Preserving Deformation of B-spline Surfaces with Volume Constraint B. Sauvage, S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau, G. Elber Computer Aided Geometric Design Volume 25, Number 8, p. 678-696 (2008). | |
Volume preservation of multiresolution meshes B. Sauvage, S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau Eurographics 2007, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 26, Number 3, p. 275-283 (2007). | |
Deforming surface simplification based on dynamic geometry F. Payan, S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, SMI’07, p. 71-80 Lyon, France (2007) . | |
Multiresolution morphing for planar curves (Springer reference), (ACM reference) S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau, M. Cornillac, B. Caramiaux Computing 79 (2-4), pp. 197-209 (2007). | |
Constraint Modeling for Curves and Surfaces in CAGD V. Cheutet, M. Daniel, S. Hahmann, R. La Gréca, J.-C. Léon, R. Maculet, D. Ménegaux, B. Sauvage International Journal of Shape Modeling (IJSM), Volume 13, Number 2, pp. 159-199 (2007). | |
Shape Interrogation – A State of the Art S. Hahmann, A. Belyaev, L. Buse, G. Elber, B. Mourrain, C. Roessl in Shape analysis and structuring, L. De Floriani and M. Spagnuolo (eds.) Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-33264-0, pp. 1-51, (2008). | |
Length Constrained Multiresolution Deformation for Surface Wrinkling B. Sauvage, S. Hahmann, G.-P. Bonneau International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, SMI’06, p. 113-121 Matsushima, Japan (2006). | |
Hierarchical Triangular Splines Alex Yvart, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau ACM Transactions on Graphics 24 (4), 1374-1391, (2005). | |
Smooth Adaptive Fitting of 3D models using hierarchical triangular splines Alex Yvart, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications, SMI’05, 13-22 (2005) MIT Boston, IEEE Computer Society Press. | |
Area Preserving Deformation of multiresolution curves Hahmann S., Sauvage B., Bonneau G-P. Computer Aided Geometric Design 22 (4), pp. 349–367 (2005). | |
Length preserving multiresolution editing of curves Basile Sauvage, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau Computing 72 (1-2), pp. 161-170 (2004). | |
Constrained Multiresolution Geometric Modeling Stefanie Hahmann, Gershon Elber in Advances in Multiresolution for Geometric Modeling, N.A. Dodson, M.A. Sabin, and M.I. Floater (eds.), MINGLE 2003 workshop, Springer-Verlag (2004). | |
Smooth Polylines on Polygon Meshes Bonneau G.-P., Hahmann S. in G. Brunnett, B. Hamann, H. Mueller (eds.): Geometric Modeling for Scientific Visualization, Springer, pp. 69–84, (2003). | |
Polynomial Surfaces interpolating arbitrary triangulations Stefanie Hahmann, Bonneau G.-P. IEEE Transactions on Visualisation and Computer Graphics 9 (1), p. 99-109, (2003). | |
Triangular G1 interpolation by 4-splitting domain triangles Stefanie Hahmann, Bonneau G.-P., CAGD 17 (8), 731-757 (2000). | |
Visualization techniques for surface analysis Stefanie Hahmann, in C. Bajaj (ed.): Advanced Visualization Techniques, John Wiley, (1999). | |
Shape improvement of surfaces Stefanie Hahmann, in G. Farin, H. Bieri, G. Brunett, T. DeRose (Eds.), Geometric Modelling, Computing [Suppl], Vol. 13, Springer-Verlag, 1998, pp. 135-152, (1998). | |
Knot-removal surface fairing using search strategies Stefanie Hahmann, Stefan Konz, CAD 30 (2), pp.131-138 (1998). | |
BLAC-Wavelets: a multiresolution analysis with non-nested spaces Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Stefanie Hahmann, and Gregory M. Nielson, IEEE Proceedings Visualization’96, pp. 43-48 (1996). | |
Visual Stability Analysis of Free Form Surfaces Stefanie Hahmann, Proceedings ISATA, Mecatronics (1995). | |
Numerical Aspects of Stability Investigations on Surfaces Stefanie Hahmann, Hans Hagen, in Glen Mullineux (ed.): Mathematics on Surfaces VI, pp. 291-308, (1996). | |
Stability Concept for Surfaces, Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann, in Geometric Modelling, Computing [Suppl.] vol. 10, pp. 189-198, (1995). | |
Visualization and Computation of Curvature Behaviour of Free-Form Curves and Surfaces, Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann and Thomas Schreiber, CAD 27, (7), pp. 545-552, (1995). | |
Variational Surface Design and Surface Interrogation {Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann, Georges-Pierre Bonneau, Eurographics’93, Computer Graphics Forum 12 (3), pp. 447–459, (1993). | |
Generalized Focal surfaces: a new surface interrogation method, Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann IEEE Proceedings Visualization’92, Boston, pp. 70–76, (1992). | |
Surface Interrogation Algorithms Hans Hagen, Stefanie Hahmann. Thomas Schreiber. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 12 (5), pp. 53–60, (1992). |
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