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September 2022 : the program of the Second Workshop on Computer Theatre (journées d’informatique théâtrale), to be held in Lyon on October 10-11, is now ready. Read more about it here and there.

April 2022: I co-organized the tenth Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Film Editing (WICED) at Eurographics in Reims.

July 2020: I started the ANIMA research team at INRIA and LJK.

February 2020: I co-organized the first computer theater workshop (journées d’informatique théâtrale)with Julie Valéro in Grenoble.

October 2018: I am now an associate researcher with the Spatial Media team at EnsadLab, PSL University.
October 2017: I was invited to give a keynote talk on “synchronization of senses”  at the ICCV workshop on Computer Vision and Audiovisual Media (CVAM). A great workshop and a great conference in the Palazzo del Cinema in Venice! The slides for my presentation can be found here.
June 2017: I visited the MIFA animation festival in Annecy.
May 2017: I visited CIRMA at the University of Torino and gave a talk on “Directing virtual worlds from script to screen”. CIRMA has a fantastic team investigating the ontology of drama and its use in interactive storytelling. I was invited to speak about our team recent work in sketch-based animation at CITIA in Annecy. I also gave a talk about computer science and the visual arts at CNRS.
April 2017: The Eurographics workshop on intelligent cinematography and editing (WICED) took place at the Lumiere Institute in Lyon, including  a keynote talk by Michael Gleicher on  25 years of “through-the-lens cinematography” and many interesting discussions on the future of virtual cinematography. Many thanks to all participants ! I was also invited to speak about “eye tracking in the arts” at Institut d’Art Contemporain in Villeurbanne.
February 2017: I presented some of the activities of our team relating to cultural heritage and the arts at the French Ministry of Culture. You can read the slides here. I was also invited to speak about “movie making machines” at Xerox Research Center Europe in Meylan.
December 2016: We are starting two new research projects: COLLODI 2 on next-generation character animation, and ULTRAHD on ultra-high definition video editing of live performances. I am teaching a class on advanced 3-D animation in the MOSIG Masters at ENSIMAG Grenoble.
October 2016: I was promoted to a senior scientist position at INRIA (directeur de recherche). I was invited to talk about “eye tracking and the arts” at EXPERIMENTA in Grenoble. I was also invited to talk about how “can computer pay attention” and about “artificial intlligence and creativity” at the University of Grenoble Alpes and at Atelier Arts-Sciences. I was a member of the PhD committee for Fabio Zund’s thesis on “augmented reality storytelling” at ETH Zurich.
September 2016: I am teaching a class on “game engine programming” for the third year at the University of Montpellier, every Friday until December.
May 2016: I became the scientific leader of the IMAGINE team by interim, succeeding Marie Paule Cani.
March 2016: I visited Disney Research Lab in Zurich and presented our work on intelligent cinematography and film editing there.
February 2016: I visited the MINT team at INRIA Lille on February 10.
I presented our work on the “prose storyboard language” at the seminar on digital images organized by  Chloé Galibert-Laîné at ENS rue D’Ulm, February 11 at 6 PM. The seminar slides are now online.
January 2015: I visited the DEVISU laboratory at the recently inaugurated Mine D’Arenberg in Valenciennes.
November 2015:  Adela Barbulescu defended her PhD thesis on “Generation of Audiovisual Prosody for Expressive Virtual Actors” on November 23, with a jury composed of Catherine Pélachaud, Ronan Boulic, Marc Swerts, Slim Ouni, Gérard Bailly, and myself.
The defense was followed by a special ERC Seminar on Virtual Actors. Thanks to all speakers and the audience.
October 2015:  Quentin Galvane defended his PhD thesis on “Automatic cinematography and editing in virtual environments” on October 26, with a jury composed of Karan Singh,  Mateu Sbert, Arnav Jhala, Philippe Guillotel, Gérard Bailly, Marc Christie and myself.
The defense was followed by a special ERC Expressive Seminar on Cinematography . Thanks to all speakers and the audience.
Sergi Pujades Rocamora defended his PhD thesis on “Camera models and algorithms for the creation of 3D video content” on October 14, with a jury composed of Luce Morin, Aljosha Smolic, Jean-Yves Guillemaut, James Crowley, Frédéric Devernay and myself.
I presented our paper ” Capturing and Indexing Rehearsals: The Design and Usage of a Digital Archive of Performing Arts” at the Digital Heritage 2016 conference in Granada on October 1st.
The paper received a best paper award in the category  “Digital Heritage Projects and Application” and we are invited to submit an extended version to : Elsevier Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage.
Adela Barbulescu presented a live demo of our work on “directing virtual actors” at EXPERIMENTA in Grenoble on October 8,9 and 10 : Variations sur la ronde. This is joint work with with Gérard Bailly and Georges Gagneré. More than 1000 people swa this demo in action.
June 2015: Martin Guay defended his PhD thesis on “Sketching 3D Character Animation”, with a jury composed of Joëlle Thollot, Robert W. Sumner, Michiel van de Panne, Frank Multon, Paul Kry, Marie-Paule Cani and myself. Congratulations ! Martin has now joined the Disney Research Lab in Zurich. Good luck !
April 2015: Two new papers accepted for publication at the SIGGRAPH conference !

  • Space-time sketching of character animation (with Martin Guay, Mike Gleicher and Marie-Paule Cani).
  • Vector Graphics Animation with Time-Varying Topology (with Boris Dalstein and Michiel van de Panne).

December 2014: Vineet Gandhi defended his PhD thesis on “Automatic rush generation with applications to theatre performances”, with a jury composed of Jim Crowley, Frederic Jurie, Patrick Perez, Alexander Sorkine-Hornung, Mike Gleicher and myself. Good work, Vineet, and good luck ! We filed a French patent application for his work.
Our paper “Continuity editing for 3-D animation” has been accepted for oral presentation at the AAAI conference on Artificial Intelligence, to be held in Austin, Texas.
November 2014: I was at the Motion in Games conference in Los Angeles, with two oral presentations of new papers by my students Adela Barbulescu (Beyond Basic Emotions Expressive Virtual Actors with Social Attitudes) and Quentin Galvane (Narrative-Driven Camera Control for Cinematic Replay of Computer Games).
After that, I was at the Computer Vision and Media Production conference in London, where i presented our new paper on Multi-Clip Video Editing from a Single Viewpoint.
October 2014: two new papers on our work on “dynamic stereoscopic previz”. The first one will be presented by Laurent Boiron at the Blender conference in Amsterdam on October 25. The second one will be presented by Sergi Pujades at the IC3D conference in Liege in December.
September 2014: I started teaching two courses to Masters 2 students this semester – one on game engine programming at the University of Montpellier and one on 3-D animation at the University of Grenoble.
August 2014: I presented our paper “Where story and media meet: computer generation of narrative discourse” at the Computational Model of Narrative conference in Quebec on August 1.
I attended the SIGGRAPH conference in Vancouver on August 10-14 where my ex-student Boris Dalstein presented our new paper on “Vector Graphics Complexes”.
July 2014: I chaired the 3rd workshop on ‘Intelligent Cinematography and Editing” (WICED) associated with the AAAI conference in Quebec.
April 2014 : Our paper “Vector Graphics Complexes” (Dalstein, Ronfard, van de Panne) was accepted for SIGGRAPH 2014.
March 2014 : I was at the international conference on Narrative  at MIT with Nicolas Szilas to  present our paper “How generative digital media is changing narrative” .
February 2014 : I am chair for the AAAI Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing (WICED) which will  take place in Quebec City on July 27-28. Please visit the workshop page for details.
December 12, 2013 : I  chaired an INTECH/INRIA seminar on the convergence of cinema and video games at Inria Rhone Alpes in Montbonnot.
November 2013 : ACCEPTED PAPER AT SIGGRAPH ASIA 2013 : The Line of Action – an Intuitive Interface for Expressive Character Posing.
ACCEPTED PAPER AT MIG 2013 : Steering Behaviors for Autonomous Cameras.
July 2013 : I presented the SCENOPTIQUE and SPECTACLENLIGNE projects to the working group in creation process and genetic analysis, during the International Federation for Theatre Research (FITR) conference in Barcelona.
June 2013 :  ACCEPTED PAPER AT CVPR 2013 : Detecting and Naming Actors in Movies using Generative Appearance Models.
January 2013 : Our project Spectaclenligne(s) was  officially started.

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