Vincent Jacob defends his PhD.

Today, the CEDAR team is proud and honored to celebrate a remarkable milestone—our dear colleague, Vincent, has successfully defended his PhD!

His thesis, titled “High-Dimensional Time Series Anomaly Detection over Heterogeneous Domains,”  is a true testament to his unwavering hard work, dedication, and passion for his research. 

As Vincent embarks on …

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Qi Fan defends her PhD.

Today, the CEDAR team celebrates another remarkable achievement: Qi Fan has successfully defended her PhD!

Her thesis, titled “Multi-Objective Optimization for Data Analytics in the Cloud,” makes incredible contributions to her field.

Over the years, Qi has been more than just an exceptional researcher; she has been a wonderful colleague …

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PhD Defense of Vera Sosnovik

Vera Sosnovik defended her PhD thesis entitled “Detection and analysis of online issue and political ads”.



Mme. Oana Goga-  CNRS

M. Patrick Loiseau – Inria

The thesis committee consists of:


M. Kévin Huguenin – Université de Lausanne

M. Walter Rudametkin …

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PhD defense of Maxime Buron on Oct 7 at 2pm

Bonjour, (English version below:) J’ai le plaisir de vous inviter à ma soutenance de thèse intitulée : “Raisonnements efficaces sur de larges graphes hétérogènes”. Elle se déroulera le mercredi 7 octobre 2020 à l’Inria Saclay-Île-de-France, dans l’amphithéâtre Gilles Kahn du batiment Turing, 1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves, 91120 Palaiseau. Pour …

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