Igor Konnov

Igor Konnov

Since October 2019, I am in leave of absence at INRIA, working for Interchain Foundation (the Vienna office). See my meta-webpage

Researcher at INRIA Nancy — Grand Est

Igor Konnov

email: igor.konnov at (inria.fr or gmail.com)
phone: +33 (0)
office: B210
postal address: INRIA Nancy & LORIA
Equipe VeriDis, Bâtiment B
615, rue du Jardin Botanique
F-54602 Villers-lès-Nancy, France


Research interests: Model Checking, Parameterized Model Checking, Verification of Distributed Algorithms, TLA+

Profiles: dblpGoogle Scholar, ResearchGateORCID

Projects and tools


See the comprehensive list of my papers and talks at the publications page, some of them at dblp, and a few at HAL.

Academic service


Case studies

Check our case studies of fault-tolerant distributed algorithms.

Curriculum vitae: konnov-cv.pdf

Small things: beamer-previewcsvtools, converting beamer to powerpoint

Most frequently used words in my papers. Created by wordle.net.

The words that are most frequently used in my papers. Created by wordle.net (some preprocessing required).

I received my PhD in Feb. 2009 (called “candidate of physico-mathematical sciences” in Russia) and Specialist degrees in Applied Mathematics from Lomonosov Moscow State University. In Nov. 2008, I defended my PhD thesis on Parameterized Model Checking of Distributed Systems (in Russian) under supervision of Vladimir A. Zakharov and Ruslan L. Smeliansky.

How to parse my name: Igor (Игорь) is my first name and Konnov (Коннов) is my last name; I also bear the second name Vladimirovich (Владимирович) after my father, but it is usually omitted outside of Russia. That is — and this is for Google Scholar — my full  name is Igor Vladimirovich Konnov.

Please also note that there are other researchers, whose names are written as “Igor V. Konnov” or “I.V. Konnov”, and whose names I do not mention here to help Google Scholar. I cannot review papers on equilibrium problems.


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