
  • veriT

    • VeriT is an open, trustable and efficient SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solver. It comprises a propositional satisfiability (SAT) solver, an efficient decision procedure for uninterpreted symbols based on congruence closure, a simplex-based decision procedure for linear arithmetic, and instantiation-based quantifier reasoning.

    • Pascal Fontaine (

    • Pascal Fontaine (, Sophie Tourret (



    • The classic SPASS is an automated theorem prover based on superposition that handles first-order logic with equality and several extensions for particular classes of theories. With version SPASS 3.9 we have stopped the development of the classic prover and have started the bottom-up development of SPASS 4.0 that will actually be a workbench of automated reasoning tools. Furthermore, we use SPASS 3.9 as a test bed for the development of new calculi.

      SPASS 3.9 has been used as the basis for SPASS-AR, a new approximation refinement theorem proving approach.

    • Christoph Weidenbach (



    • SPASS -SATT is an SMT solver for the theories of linear integer arithmetic, linear rational arithmetic and mixed linear arithmetic. It features new tests for the satisfiability of unbounded systems, as well as new algorithms for the detection of integer solutions.

      We further investigated the use of redundancy elimination in SAT solving and underlying implementation techniques. Our aim is a new approach to SAT solving that needs fewer conflicts (on average) \emph{and} is faster than the current state-of-the art solvers. Furthermore, we have developed a new calculus and first prototypical implementation of a SAT solver with mixed OR/XOR clauses and are currently adapting our algorithms to support SUPERLOG reasoning.

    • Martin Bromberger (

    • Martin Bromberger (, Mathias Fleury (, Christoph Weidenbach (


  • Redlog

    • Redlog is an integral part of the interactive computer algebra system Reduce. It supplements Reduce's comprehensive collection of powerful symbolic computation methods by supplying more than 100 functions on first-order formulas.

      Redlog generally works with interpreted first-order logic in contrast to free first-order logic. Each first-order formula in Redlog must exclusively contain atoms from one particular Redlog-supported theory, which corresponds to a choice of admissible functions and relations with fixed semantics. Redlog-supported theories include Nonlinear Real Arithmetic (Real Closed Fields), Presburger Arithmetic, Parametric QSAT (quantified satisfiability solving), and many more.

    • Thomas Sturm (

    • Thomas Sturm (, Andreas Dolzmann (, Melanie Achatz (, Marek Kosta (, Aless Lasaruk (, Herbert Melenk (, Winfried Neun (, Andreas Seidl (, Christoph Zengler (, Volker Weispfenning (



    • SPIKE, an automatic induction-based theorem prover built to reason on conditional theories with equality, is one of the few formal tools able to perform automatically mutual and lazy induction. Designed in the 1990s, it has been successfully used in many non-trivial applications and prototyped different proof experiments and extensions. The recent paper 'SPIKE, an automatic theorem prover – revisited' (HAL id hal-02965319) gives an overview and may also serve as a user manual.

    • Sorin Stratulat (

    • Sorin Stratulat (


  • Nunchaku

    • Nunchaku is a model finder (counterexample generator) for higher-order logic.

    • Nunchaku is a model finder for higher-order logic, with dedicated support for various definitional principles. It is designed to work as a backend for various proof assistants (notably Isabelle/HOL and Coq) and to use state-of-the-art model finders and other solvers as backends.

    • Jasmin Blanchette (

    • Jasmin Blanchette (, Simon Cruanes (



    • TLAPS is a platform for developing and mechanically verifying proofs about
      specifications written in the TLA+ language. The TLA+ proof language is hierarchical and explicit, allowing a
      user to decompose the overall proof into proof steps that can be checked
      independently. TLAPS consists of a proof manager that interprets the proof
      language and generates a collection of proof obligations that are sent to
      backend verifiers. The current backends include the tableau-based prover Zenon
      for first-order logic, Isabelle/TLA+, an encoding of TLA+ set theory as an
      object logic in the logical framework Isabelle, an SMT backend designed for use
      with any SMT-lib compatible solver, and an interface to a decision procedure for
      propositional temporal logic.

    • Stephan Merz (

    • Damien Doligez (, Stephan Merz (


  • Apalache

    • Version 0.5.0 implements a symbolic bounded model checker for \tlaplus{} that runs under the same assumptions as the explicit-state model checker TLC. It checks whether a \tlaplus{} specification satisfies an invariant candidate by checking satisfiability of an SMT formula that encodes: (1) an execution of bounded length, and (2) preservation of the invariant candidate in every state of the execution. Our tool is still in the experimental phase, due to a number of challenges posed by the semantics of \tlaplus{} to SMT solvers.

    • Apalache is a symbolic model checker that works under the following assumptions:

      (1) As in TLC, all specification parameters are fixed and finite, e.g., the system is initialized integers, finite sets, and functions of finite domains and co-domains.
      (2) As in TLC, all data structures evaluated during an execution are finite, e.g., a system specification cannot operate on the set of all integers.
      (3) Only finite executions up to a given bound are analysed.

      In 2019, we have simplified the set of rewriting rules, which are used in the translation from TLA+ to SMT. We have shown that the rules are sound, that is, that the translator produces a set of SMT constraints that are equisatisfiable to the given TLA+ formula. We have conducted the experiments on 10 TLA+ specifications of distributed algorithms. When running bounded model checking, Apalache outperforms TLC in some cases. When checking inductive invariants, Apalache runs significantly faster than TLC. These results were reported at ACM OOPSLA 2019.

      Apalache translates bounded executions of a TLA+ specifications into a set of quantifier-free SMT constraints. By querying the SMT solver, the model checker either finds a counterexample to an invariant, or proves that there is no counterexample up to given computation length.

    • Igor Konnov (


  • ByMC

    • ByMC implements several techniques for the parameterized verification of threshold-guarded distributed algorithms such as reliable broadcast, one-step Byzantine consensus, non-blocking atomic commit, condition-based consensus, and randomized consensus. The tool accepts two kinds of inputs: (i) threshold automata (the framework of our verification techniques) and (ii) Parametric Promela (which is similar to the way in which the distributed algorithms are presented in the distributed computing literature). Internally, the tool analyzes representative executions by querying an SMT solver. Apart from verification, ByMC also implements a technique for the automatic synthesis of threshold guards.

      The tool can run on a single computer as well as in an MPI cluster, e.g., Grid5000 or Vienna Scientific Cluster.

    • In recent work, we have introduced a series of techniques for automatic verification of threshold-guarded distributed algorithms that have the following features: (1) up to $t$ of $n$ processes may exhibit crash or Byzantine failures, (2) the correct processes count messages and progress when they receive sufficiently many messages, e.g., at least $t + 1$, (3) the number $n$ of processes in the system is a parameter, as well as $t$, (4) and the parameters are restricted by a resilience condition, e.g., $n > 3t$.

      ByMC supports a parallel mode, which allows one to run verification experiments in an MPI cluster such as Grid5000 and Vienna Scientific Cluster.

    • Igor Konnov (



    • IMITATOR is a software tool for parametric verification and robustness analysis of real-time systems with parameters. It relies on the formalism of networks of parametric timed automata, augmented with integer variables and stopwatches.

    • Etienne Andre (

    • Etienne Andre (, Jaime Eduardo Arias Almeida (




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