
Software and Technologies

RIOT: embedded IoT software platform

RIOT is an IoT open source operating system that bridges the gap between resource-constrained embedded operating systems and full-fledged operating systems. It aims to be the equivalent of Linux for IoT hardware based on low-power microcontrollers, and has gathered a large international community of users and developers.

For more information, consider visiting RIOT on GitHub.


SimBle is the first BLE NS-3 based simulation stack generating privacy-preserving traces. It introduces resolvable private MAC addresses, emulates the behavior of any real BLE device/hardware, and introduces an optimization to linearize public-packet sniffing.

For more information, consider visiting the SimBle website.


SIMBoxFraud is the first Fraud-enhanced LTE simulator stack allowing cellular fraud evaluation in environments with heterogeneous and spatiotemporal dynamic fraudsters’ behaviors. The open-source simulator will allow the CDR generation with mobility and traffic demands of users, varying fraud types’ simulation as well as detection techniques evaluation.

IoT hardware test platform: IoT-Lab

We are active contributors to the IoT-LAB testbed platform: A very large scale infrastructure suitable for testing small wireless sensor devices and heterogeneous communicating objects. The facility offers quick experiments deployment, along with easy evaluation, results collection and analysis. 

IoT-LAB testbeds are located at six different sites across France (totalizing 1825 wireless sensors nodes), 4 located at Inria units. Inria Saclay is one of them, with his hardware infrastructure consisting of a set of 264 IoT-LAB nodes running RIOT OS.

At Saclay, TRiBE is the only research team entitled to manage and extend the testbed platform. For more information, visit

Standardization for IoT

The team maintains an active participation in standardization activities at Internet Engi-
neering Task Force (IETF [27]) as well as at the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF). The research groups relevant for the team include IoT-related working groups (ROLL, T2TRG, 6LO, 6TiSCH, etc.), the DTN research group, the MANET working group, as well as ICNRG and the NetWork Coding research group (NWCRG) of IRTF. At the European level, the AIOTI (Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation) is shaping the future of the EU IoT ecosystems: members of TRiBE are interested in contributing to relevant working groups of AIOTI on behalf of Inria.

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