

  • Our paper entitled “Beauty or beast: human behavioral insights and learning power of federated mobility prediction” will be presented at the A-ranked ACM SIGSPATIAL 2024 conference – 27% acceptance rate in 2024.
  • Emmanuel Baccelli was recently appointed as scientific director of Inria Berlin. The kick-off of this new venture is taking place June 5th, and launches with a scientific workshop June 6-7th, on a variety of  hot topics including Internet of Things and cybersecurity, digital health, digital humanities, and applied mathematics.
  • Aline Carneiro Viana and Nadjib Achir participated of the émission Science En Questions, entitled Comprendre nos déplacements grâce aux réseaux mobiles
  • Aline Carneiro Viana was recognized as ACM Senior Member for her technical and professional accomplishments.
  • Anne Josiane Kouam was selected to participate in the prestigious 11th annual Heidelberg Laureate Forum (HLF), a great opportunity to personally meet the winners of the most prestigious prizes in their fields, such as the ACM A.M. Turing Award and the ACM Prize in Computing (Computer Science), and the Abel Prize, Fields Medal, and IMU Abacus Medal (Mathematics).
  • Our paper entitled “The Battle of Wits: To What Extent Can Fraudsters Disguise Their Tracks in International bypass Fraud?” will be presented at the A-ranked ACM AsiaCCS 2024 conference – 19% acceptance rate in 2024.
  • Alexandro Lage Castellanos, Professor of physics at Physics Faculty, Havana University, visited us
    22nd to 26th January 2024.
  • Anne Josiane Kouam got the Best Paper Award of Cores/Algotel 2023.
  • Aline C. Viana co-coordinates the PC3 of the PEPR MOBIDEC, entitled Mob Sci-Dat Factory.
  • Kick-off meeting of STIC AmSud LINT will be held on 1st June 2023, at Inria Saclay. Researchers from Brazil, Chile, and Argentina will visit the team from 28th to 2nd June 2023.
  • TRiBE is implicated in 5 PCs of the PEPR Future Networks – NF, named: PC2 NAI, PC3 PERSEUS, PC6 FITNESS, PC7 JEN, PC10 FPNG.
  • Since September 2022, Aline C. Viana is member of the Advisory Board of the EU CSA PrepDSpace4Mobility project
  • Antonio Tadeo, Professor of Computer Science at LNCC professor (Brazil), visited us from 13th to 26th November 2023.
  • Luca Pappalardo will give 4 lessons of 3h on Human Mobility: an introduction.”  The lessons will take place:
    • at the Gilles Kahn room of Inria Alain Turingbuilding,
    • during 4 Thursdays starting on 2nd June 2022,
    • next sessions: 9th, 19th, and 23rd June,
    • from 14h30-17h30.
    • In theses lessons, Luca will leverage his experience acquired as one of the creators and managers of the scikit-mobility library.
  • Luca Pappalardo, Senior Researcher at ISTI/CNR and member of the KDD Lab, visited us for two months et until 26th June 2022.
  • PhD defence of Iman Hmedoush on 18th May 2022, at 14:00 CET time: ”Connectionless transmission in wireless networks (IoT)”
  • Aline Carneiro Viana got the Medal of Honor 2021 Edition from Federal University of Goiás, Brazil, for her distinguished society contributions (more (slide 15)).
  • On-line MOOC “Numérique et Sciences Informatiques : les fondamentaux“, which the PhD student, Anne Josiane Kouan, presents the Network Block (“Bloc réseau“).  Already 1600 registration!! (9/02/22). Project “Apprendre a enseigner“.
  • IoT Inria White Bookwritten and coordinated by Emmanuel Baccelli – Internet of Things (IoT): Societal Challenges & Scientific Research Fields for IoT (Twitter)
  • PhD defence of Licia AMICHI on 23rd November 2021, at 8:40 CET time : ”Understanding individuals’ proclivity for novelty-seeking in human mobility
  • PhD defence of Hirah MALIK on 22nd November 2021, at 14:00 CET time : ”Efficient Network Protocols for Information-Centric Networks
  • Scientific vulgarisation of research activities of Inria concerning wireless communication
  • Kleber V. Cardoso was one of the speakers:
  • RIOT Summit 2020, September 14-15 at French Tech Central (Station F) in Paris (in-site or on-line participation).
  • Kleber V. Cardoso presented a tutorial named “Tutorial #4 – A Softwarized Perspective of 5G Networks” at IEEE NetSoft 2020 virtual conference.
  • Philipe Jacquet was nominated IEEE fellow for his contributions to “Wireless protocols and communication networks”.
  • Cedric Adjih was nominated “Wireless Communications Letters Exemplary Reviewer 2018” by the IEEE Communication Society, Jun. 2019.
  • Our paper on Deciphering Predictability Limits in Human Mobility was a Top-six Best Paper candidate at the ACM SIGSPATIAL 2019 conference.
  • Our work on trajectory completion was a runner-up for the best poster award at Netmob 2019.
  • RIOT Summit, September 5-6, 2019.

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