Remarkable moments

TRiBE Remarkable moments

  • PEP Future Networks-NICT partnership

The TRiBE research team, represented by Research Scientist Dr. Cédric Adjih, took part in the workshop Beyond 5G/6G France-Japan Joint Workshop 2024!, hosted in Tokyo, to announce the PEPR Future Networks in collaboration with NICT in Japan. This workshop aims to innovate the communication and networks systems of 2030 through contributions and commitment from scientific experts from different fields to exchange ideas, and define future work directions.

  • Hi! PARIS Summer School at HEC Paris

Our team of engineers and PhD candidates at TRiBE participated in the Hi! PARIS Summer School in early July. They explored Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science from different perspectives through two parallel tracks: “Data Science and AI for Business and Society” and “Theory and Methods of AI.”

  • Official Kick-Off Reception of the Inria-ECDF Partnership

Inria expands in Berlin! On the occasion of the Official Kick-Off Reception of the Inria/Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) Partnership, Research Scientist/Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Baccelli participated in the Workshop entitled “Internet of Things & Cybersecurity”. Emmanuel presented advances and perspectives in DevOps & Longer-term Security for Low-power IoT (RIOT-rs).

  • Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST)

The TRiBE research team, represented by Research Scientist Dr. Cédric Adjih, took part in the Inria mission for the Parliamentary Office for the Evaluation of Scientific and Technological Choices (OPECST) in Saclay. The event was attended by Essonne Senator David Ros, Rhône Deputy Jean Luc Fugit and Inria Saclay’s director Jean-Yves Berthou. Cédric presented the advances on the practical application of digital science and technology in sports, as part of the project 5G-mMTC, particularly focusing on the deployment of a 5G network for data transmission generated by sensors onboard high-performance track bicycles that measure the cyclist’s performance.

Algotel/CoRes 2024 Conference, Saint-Briac-sur-Mer, Bretagne

  • IPP PhD Graduation ceremony 2023
  • 4th Ekiden du Platal Marathon (Telecom Paris) 2024
  • Comprendre nos déplacements grâce aux réseaux mobiles – Science En Questions
  • Gaelle’s farewell
  • 3rd IoT & Emerging Technologies Workshop, Hammamet, Tunisia, 2024
  • A normal lunch day!
  • Recycling time
  • Kick Off meeting of SILECS PEPR Cloud project, Lille, France, Feb. 2024
  • Summer Party 2023
  • Algotel/CoRes 2023 Conference, Corsica, France
  • ACM Conext 2022 Conference, Rome, Italy

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