Simple test of CAR with recorded video

Testing on an existing video

In order to test the CAR application, an RGB-D video is available at the following link

If you do not have a configuration folder you can for example use the one provided for the simple CAR testing with live video in the previous webpage: SimpleConfigFile

The video is mainly divided in 2 different parts :

  • scenario 1 (from 11-46-37 to 11-47-44) : the person is performing physical tasks, walking test (walking around 3 meters and come back), and repeated transfer test (sitting and standing consecutively 5 times).
    • To process it, you have to replace the SimpleConfigFile/DescriptionBasedEventRecognition/EventModels folder by this one model files
    • and the SimpleConfigFile/DescriptionBasedEventRecognition/sup_context.xml file by this one context file.
    • The result file (xml3) should look like the following : xml3_sc1.xml,
  • scenario 2 (from 11-47-57 to 11-48-56) : the person is performing daily living activities,
    • using phone (event detected when sitting posture in zone phone detected for more than 5 seconds)
    • using trash (bending inside the zone trash).
    • lying at the end of the scenario (event detected after 5 second of lying posture).
    • To process it, you have to replace the SimpleConfigFile/DescriptionBasedEventRecognition/EventModels folder by this one model files
    • and the SimpleConfigFile/DescriptionBasedEventRecognition/sup_context.xml file by this one context file.
    • The result file (xml3) should look like the following : xml3_sc2.xml.
  • The executing line should look like this /usr/local/inria/sup/bin/example-sup-DescriptionBasedEventRecognition_DataFlowReading /home/username/demacare/SimpleConfigFile/)

WARNING: don’t forget to rename the context file as “sup_context.xml”, and the model files folder as “EventModels” (or to modify their path in the EventRecognitionParameters.xml file)

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