Useful Links: INRIA member personal webpage Julien Gueytat. Tagged as jgueytat on the STARS website.

[Serialization] QSetting

For every class that can be considerate like a QVariant ( see ), It’s easy to make a QMapStream from them and it’s easy to serialize the QMapStream in a file using QSettings. Therefor it’s easy to serialize class in C++ using Qt if our data respect the QVariant form,  and…

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Evaluation description

Involved people: Bernard Boulay Julien Badie Swaminathan Sankaranarayanan Topics: Evaluation is an important task to better understand the added values of new algorithms or technologies for intelligent video platform. Main issues: Criteria : which criteria is used according the task to evaluate? Multi-criteria : how two combine several criteria to…

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Object detection – Introduction

People involved: Duc-Phu CHAU Julien BADIE Malik SOUDED Étienne CORVÉE Silviu-Tudor SERBAN   By definition, Object detection is a computer technology related to computer vision and image processing that deals with detecting, in digital images and videos, instances of semantic objects of a certain class, such as: – humans –…

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