Support Logo[2010 – 2013] SUPPORT Project – Autonomous Monitoring for Securing European Ports 

SUPPORT (Security UPgrade for PORTs) is a FP7-SEC-2009-1 IP European project which will start in July 2010 and will end in 2014 (48 months). The aim of this proposal is to study innovative surveillance components for Autonomous Monitoring Of Multi-Sensory And Networked Infrastructure Such As Underground Transportation Environment. Inria Grant is 367.2 Keuros out of 9,920 Keuros for the whole project. The prime partner is BMT Group (UK) and other partners are: Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée (France), Swedish Defence Research Agency (SE), Securitas (SE), Technical Research Centre of Finland (FI), MARLO (NO), INLECOM Systems (UK)…

SUPPORT is addressing potential threats on passenger life and the potential for crippling economic damage arising from intentional unlawful attacks on port facilities, by engaging representative stakeholders to guide the development of next generation solutions for upgraded preventive and emedial security capabilities in European ports. The overall benefit will be the secure and efficient operation of European ports enabling uninterrupted flows of cargo and passengers while suppressing attacks on high value port facilities, illegal immigration and trafficking of drugs, weapons and illicit substances all in line with the efforts of FRONTEX and EU member states.

Inria goal is to study the benefit of a Video-Surveillance system integrated in a global security infrastructure to address potential threats in European ports.

For more information, see the SUPPORT leaflet.

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