
Hullkground software


The HULLKGROUND software (APP deposit number: IDDN.FR.001.400005.000.S.P..2009.000.21000) written in JAVA enables to decompose a fluorescence microscopy image sequence into two components using the computational geometry and the “alpha-shapes” methods :

  • an image sequence showing mobile objects;
  • an image sequence showing the slightly moving background.

Each temporal signal of the sequence is processed individually and analyzed with computational geometry tools. The convex hull is estimated automatically for each pixel and subtracted to the original signal. The method is unsupervised, requires no parameter tuning and is a simplified version of the shapes-based scale-space method.

Software distribution

Hullkground demonstration

You can try FluoAlpha on our mobyle web portal: Try Hullkground. FluoAlpha is a variant of Hullkground with a parameter to adapt more accurately the decomposition.

ImageJ plugin

Binaries of the Hullkground plugin for ImageJ are freely ditributed. Click here to download Hullkground plugin


A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, S. Bardin, J. Salamero, Ch. Kervrann. Compuational geometry-based scale-space and modal image decomposition: application to light video-microscopy imaging. In Conf. on Scale Space and Variational Methods (SSVM’09), Pages 770-781, Voss, Norway, 2009

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