
Planned activities

  • QASAR meetup at the occasion of Simons Institute’s “Advances in Quantum Coding Theory” workshop in the US, California, Berkeley, February 12th-16th 2024 (Nikolas Breuckmann is a co-organizer).
  • Work session in Paris, date to be determined.
  • QASAR meetup at the occasion of the “Fault-Tolerant Quantum Technologies” workshop in Benasque Science center, Spain, August 4th-17th 2024 (Christophe Vuillot and Nikolas Breuckmann are co-organizers).

Activities in 2023

  • Start of the online QASAR seminar (June 12th), once every two weeks, 9 seminars in 2023.
  • Work session in Bristol, April 10th-14th 2023.
  • Work session in Nancy, Nikolas Breuckmann and Oscar Higgot visited the team in Nancy, January 9th-13th 2023.
  • Yearly report.

Activities in 2022

  • Christophe Vuillot and Alexandre Guernut visited Nikolas Breuckmann in UCL in August 2022.
  • Yearly report.

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