New release CryptoVerif 2.11

Download on the CryptoVerif page Changes since the last release: Ghost types; computations of ghost types and useless events and tables are removed when generating F* or OCaml implementations. cv2fstar: add an invariant preserved by all oracle functions, to be defined and proved by the user (by default, always True) axiomatize that…

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New release CryptoVerif 2.10

Download on the CryptoVerif page Changes since the last release: cv2fstar: use an effect to make sure the generated code is used correctly. translate the security properties proved in CryptoVerif into F* axioms. fixed bug when the name of the table file is not the same as thename of the table. fixed…

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New release CryptoVerif 2.09

Download on the CryptoVerif page Changes since the last release:– Library of primitives:   – added macros for primitives without security assumption (useful to model broken primitives; e.g., classical schemes in the presence of a quantum adversary).   – added macros for IND-CPA public key encryption, KEMs (Key Encapsulation Mechanisms), fixed-generator GDH, strong DH, and fixed-hash collision-resistant…

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Internet Defense Prize and Distinguished Paper Awards at USENIX Security’23

Our paper “TreeSync: Authenticated Group Management for Messaging Layer Security” by Théophile Wallez, Inria Paris; Jonathan Protzenko, Microsoft Research; Benjamin Beurdouche, Mozilla; Karthikeyan Bhargavan, Inria Paris was awarded an Internet Defense Prize at USENIX Security’23. Our papers also received 3 distinguished paper awards at USENIX Security’23. In addition to the…

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New release CryptoVerif 2.07

Download on the CryptoVerif page Changes since the previous release: Translation of CryptoVerif models into F* implementations, byBenjamin Lipp. (More documentation and the translation ofproperties proved in CryptoVerif into F* axioms will be added later.) Added notions of secrecy as reachability and secrecy for a bit. Added predefined function if_fun, such that…

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New release ProVerif 2.04

Download on the ProVerif page. Changes since the previous release: – Improved optimisation transforming mess facts into attacker facts when the channel is a public term and not only a public name. – Allow nested comments in the input file. All comments must be closed. ProVerif will raise an error…

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New release ProVerif 2.03

Download on the ProVerif page. Changes since the previous release: – Events that occur in the conclusion of a lemma and also as an injective event in the main query are not ignored anymore when applying the lemma. – Replace attacker(fail-any,x) or attacker(x,fail-any) with bad in the conclusion of clauses.…

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New release CryptoVerif 2.05

Download on the CryptoVerif page Changes since the previous release: – Allow comparisons between indices and tables (insert, get) in the right-hand side of equiv declarations. – Optimize the right-hand side of equiv declarations by removing useless assignments. – Allow new and event_abort in conditions of find and get. – Allow…

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