Job offers

The predominant language of communication in Prosecco is English. Please be aware that there is a two month hiring delay for all positions, so please contact us early.

Available positions

You could join Prosecco through various permanent or non-permanent positions :

PostDocs can also propose and follow their own research agenda and be fairly independent. Researchers are expected to be highly independent.

If you are interested in applying or have any questions please send us an email at For applying please include your CV, a short description of your research interests, and the emails of one or two people who can act as your references.

Research internships

Every year, Prosecco hosts 5+ research interns on a variety of topics. The research internships are for students at any level (PhD, MSc, and BSc) and usually take between 3 and 6 months. We hire final-year masters students for 6-month internships leading to a master’s thesis. Successful internships typically result in a research publication at an international conference and the student goes on to do a PhD with us or with others. We also offer internships to PhD students and outstanding undergraduates.

We are looking for outstanding students with interests in cryptography, formal verification, or programming languages. Some prior knowledge and courses in one or more of these areas would be an advantage but is not mandatory. All interns are funded by grants awarded to Prosecco. To apply, send an email describing your research interests, and including your CV and the names and email addresses of one or two referees (professors or prior employers), to one of the permanent researchers of Prosecco (<firstname>.<lastname> The topic of each internship is chosen after discussions between the student and the mentor. You can also look at the list of current projects below for inspiration.

Current offers

Past offers

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