Luc Bouganim: Responsibilities

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Collective responsibilities
[CR26]    2018-…. : Member of the INRIA Saclay “Commission développement technologique” commission.
[CR25]    2017-…. : Member of the INRIA Saclay Scientific commission.
[CR24]    2017-…. : Co-organizer “École thématique BDA Masses de Données Distribuées”, Aussois.
[CR23]    2016: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of the INSA CVL
[CR22]    2016: Reviewer for the ANR programs (Evaluation committee CE23)
[CR21]    2014-2015: Co-president of the INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt “Emplois Scientifiques” commission (includes PhD grant, Post-Doc and Délégation attributions)
[CR20]    2014: Member of the UVSQ-PRiSM “Conseil de Laboratoire”
[CR19]    2014: Member of the PES Senior Commission for INRIA.
[CR18]    2011-2014: President of the INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt “Post-Doc, Délegation, Détachements” commission
[CR17]    2011-2014: Member of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt council bureau (BCP)
[CR16]    2010-2012: Member of the ‘Commission PES’ for computer science at University of Versailles
[CR15]    Since 2002: Vice-head of the SMIS Project. Since SMIS proposal in 2002, I was always involved in all decisions (project proposal, scientific orientations, team organization, recruitment).
[CR14]    2012-2014: Member of the INRIA “Cordi-S (INRIA PhD grant)” commission
[CR13]    2012: Member of the ‘Commission de Sélection’ of the INSA of Lyon.
[CR12]    2011-2012: President of the BDA steering committee (national French conference on Databases) and member since 2012.
[CR11]    2011: Reviewer for the ANR programs (Program ANR INS)
[CR10]    2010: President of the recruiting committee for INRIA CR1 & CR2
[CR9]    2009: Vice-president of the recruiting committee for INRIA CR1 & CR2
[CR8]    2004-2010: Member of the ‘Commission Délégations-Détachements’ of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt.
[CR7]    2008-2009: Reviewer for the ANR programs (Programs ANR Blanc and ANR DEFIS)
[CR6]    2006-2009: Co-organizer of the monthly scientific seminars (“Le modèle et l’Algorithme”) at INRIA.
[CR5]    2004-2009: INRIA scientific coordinators for the INRIA-CEA-EDF summer schools in computer science
[CR4]    2002-2004: Member of the ‘Comité des Bourses’ of INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt
[CR3]    2001-2002: Member of the ‘Conseil d’administration’ of the ‘Institut Sciences et Techniques des Yvelines’
[CR2]    2000-2002: Responsible for the organization of the 3rd year of the ‘Institut Sciences et Techniques des Yvelines’
[CR1]    1998-2000: Responsible for the organization of the 1st and 2nd year of the GEA Department at the ‘Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Vélizy’.

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