
Since February 2021, the Partout Seminar is part of the joint Proofs and Algorithms Seminar of LIX.
The list of talks invited by the Partout team can be found here.

List of older talks

Monday 11 January 2021 at 14h: Philip Saville (Edinburgh), Synthesising a type theory for cartesian-closed bicategories

Monday 30 November 2020 at 14h: Nicolas Blanco (Birmingham), A fibrational approach to MLL

Monday 23 November 2020 at 14h: Beniamino Accattoli (Inria), The Distributive Lambda Calculus

Monday 9 November 2020 at 14h: Roman Kuznets (TU Wien), Interpolation for Intermediate Logics via Injective Nested Sequents

Monday 2 November 2020 at 14h: Lutz Straßburger (Inria), Introduction to Deep Inference

Monday 26 October 2020 at 14h: Sonia Marin (UCL), Synchronous Forwarders

Monday 7 September 2020 at 16h: Olivier Martinot (Inria), Inférence de type par résolution de contraintes pour OCaml

Monday 31 August 2020 at 14h: Giti Omidvar (Inria), Syntactic and Combinatorial Proofs; and Jui Hsuan Wu (Inria), On First-order Combinatorial Proofs

Monday 20 July 2020 at 14h: Marianela Morales (Polytechnique), Fully structured proof theory for intuitionistic modal logics

Monday 22 June 2020 at 14h: Wendlasida Ouedraogo (Inria), Optimization of source code for safety-critical systems

Monday 15 June 2020 at 14h: Gabriele Vanoni (Bologna), The Abstract Machinery of Interaction

Monday 25 May 2020 at 14h: Matteo Acclavio (Inria), Logic programming and multiplicative proof structures

Monday 18 May 2020 at 14h: Anupam Das (Birmingham), From QBFs to MALL and back via focussing

Monday 11 May 2020 at 14h: Francesco Genco (IHPST), A Parallel Computational Interpretation of Multiplicative Linear Logic

Monday 4 May 2020 at 14h: Tito Nguyen (LIPN), Implicit automata in typed λ-calculi

Monday 20 April 2020 at 14h: Gabriel Scherer (Inria), Focusing on lambda-calculus equivalence

Monday 13 April 2020 at 11h: Beniamino Accattoli (Inria), Strong Call-by-Value


Even older talks may be found at the webpage of the Parsifal seminar, the predecessor to the Partout seminar.

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