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(English) Activity reports

Overall positioning

At the interface between audio modeling and mathematical signal processing, the global objective of PANAMA is to develop mathematically founded and algorithmically efficient techniques to model, acquire and process high-dimensional signals, with a strong emphasis on acoustic data.

Applications fuel the proposed mathematical and statistical frameworks with practical scenarii, and the developed algorithms are extensively tested on targeted applications. PANAMA’s methodology relies on a closed loop between theoretical investigations, algorithmic development and empirical studies.

Scientific foundations

The scientific foundations of PANAMA are focused on sparse representations and probabilistic modeling, and its scientific scope is extended in three major directions:

  • The extension of the sparse representation paradigm towards that of “sparse modeling”, with the challenge of establishing, strengthening and clarifying connections between sparse representations and machine learning.

  • A focus on sophisticated probabilistic models and advanced statistical methods to account for complex dependencies between multi-layered variables (such as in audiovisual streams, musical contents, biomedical data, remote sensing …).

  • The investigation of graph-based representations, processing and transforms, with the goal to describe, model and infer underlying structures within content streams or data sets.


The main industrial sectors in relation with the topics of the PANAMA research group are the telecommunication sector, the Internet and multimedia sector, the musical, audio and visual production sector and, marginally, the sector of education and entertainment. Source separation is one of PANAMA’s major applicative focus generating increasing industrial transfers. The models, methods and algorithms developed in the team have many potential applications beyond audio processing and modeling – the central theme of the PANAMA project-team – in particular to biomedical signals and remote sensing. Such applications are primarily investigated in partnership with research groups with the relevant expertise (within or outside Inria).

On a regular basis, PANAMA is involved in bilateral or multilateral partnerships, within the framework of consortia, networks, thematic groups, national and European research projects, as well as industrial contracts with various local companies.

Last activity report : 2019

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