2nd year activities

In-network protocol verification

Abir Laraba has joined the team as PhD student thanks to an international grant offered by LUE (Lorraine Université  d’Excellence), She is co-advised by J. François, I. Chrisment and R. Boutaba. Her work is focused on enabling protocol verification (and eventually correction) in data-plane and so on the fly. First implementation have been made to automatically detect TCP misbehaving (Optimisting ack) and Excplicit Congestion Notification (ECN) abuse and implemented using P4 language.
Our objective is to make our approach more generic by representing protocols or behavior to detect using Extended Finite State Machines to be automatically validated and transformed and optimized to be be checked in dataplane
(optimization need to be made on memory usage for tracking individual connections). This work also involved S. Chowdhury from University of Waterloo.

SDN-based anti-DDoS solution

We have also improved our anti-DDoS solution, SPONGE, that mitigates distributed link flooding attacks by dynamically distributing the attack traffic at the network-scale. From the last year result, large effort has been made to improve the validation through more extensive experimentation. It led to a joint publication in IEEE LCN 2019.

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