

Kerrighed software is an outcome of the PARIS and Myriads project-teams research activities on the design and implementation of a single system image operating system for high performance computing on clusters that were carried out from 1999 to 2011. Kerrighed is a Linux-based full single system image operating system allowing the execution of non modified legacy applications. Kerrighed is an open source software under GPL licence. See Kerrighed web site.

Kerrighed has led to a technology transfer with the creation of Kerlabs INRIA spin-off in October 2006. Kerlabs develops a commercial offer based on Kerrighed technology and leads Kerrighed open source community.

Kerrighed is a component of the cluster flavour of XtreemOS Grid operating system. Indeed, LinuxSSI foundation layer of XtreemOS cluster flavour leverages Kerrighed technology.

Past research activities of Myriads project-team contributing to Kerrighed software

  • Design and implementation of energy aware resource management policies in clusters (in the framework of the ECO-GRAPPE ANR project)
  • Design and implementation of kDFS  cluster distributed file system exploiting storage attached to computing nodes (in the framework of XtreemOS European project)
  • Design and implementation of process groups checkpoint/restart mechanisms (in the framework of XtreemOS European project)

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