FogCity: QoS-aware Resource Management for Smart Cities

FogCity: QoS-aware Resource Management for Smart Cities

FogCity is an Inria associate team linking together the Inria Myriads team, the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur and the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. It focuses on a smart city scenario in which data from static and mobile sensors is routed to appropriate fog data centers based on application QoS requirements. The main goal of the research is to select suitable nodes within the fog data centers to optimize the QoS of the applications in terms of latency.


University Rennes 1


INSA Rennes


IIT Kharagpur


IIT Kharagpur



  • 27-27 nov 2018: Guillaume Pierre and Nikos Parlavantsas visited IIT Kharagpur. The goal was to initiate the FogCity project and discuss future plans.
  • 7-9 apr 2019: Sudip Misra and Ayan Mondal visited Inria Rennes. The goal was to discuss the collaboration and setup an extended visit by Ayan Mondal to Rennes.
  • June-August 2019: Ayan Mondal completed an internship at Inria Rennes. The goal was to develop an auction-based application placement algorithms within Kubernetes and experimentally evaluate it using Grid’5000.

Research results

During his internship at Inria Rennes, Ayan Mondal implemented an auction-based application placement algorithms within Kubernetes and experimentally evaluated it using Grid’5000. The results are very promising and a joint publication on this topic is in preparation.


  • A joint publication on the experimental evaluation of an auction-based application placement algorithm within Kubernetes is currently in preparation.

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