Journal articles
- titre
- Coupled multiple timescale dynamics in populations of endocrine neurons: Pulsatile and surge patterns of GnRH secretion
- auteur
- Elif Köksal Ersöz, Alexandre Vidal, Frédérique Clément
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2018, 17 (1), pp.1052-1090. ⟨10.1137/16M1103695⟩
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Book sections
- titre
- Folliculogenesis
- auteur
- Danielle Monniaux, Véronique Cadoret, Frédérique Clément, Rozenn Dalbies-Tran, Sébastien Elis, Stéphane Fabre, Virginie Maillard, Philippe Monget, Svetlana Uzbekova
- article
- Reference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier, 22p., 2018, 978-0-12-801238-3
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Journal articles
- titre
- Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (I) Bursting, spike adding and chaos
- auteur
- Jonathan Rubin, Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska, Jonathan Touboul, Alexandre Vidal
- article
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, 2017, 22, pp.3967-4002. ⟨10.3934/dcdsb.2017204⟩
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- titre
- Synchronization of weakly coupled canard oscillators
- auteur
- Elif Köksal Ersöz, Mathieu Desroches, Martin Krupa
- article
- Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2017, 349, pp.46-61. ⟨10.1016/j.physd.2017.02.016⟩
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- titre
- Power-law statistics and universal scaling in the absence of criticality
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul, Alain Destexhe
- article
- Physical Review E , 2017, 95 (1), pp.012413. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.95.012413⟩
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- titre
- Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (II) Mixed-mode oscillations
- auteur
- Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska, Jonathan Touboul, Alexandre Vidal, Jonathan Rubin
- article
- Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B, 2017, 22 (10), pp.4003-4039. ⟨10.3934/dcdsb.2017205⟩
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- titre
- Studies of the Petrov Module for a Family of Generalized Liénard Integrable Systems
- auteur
- Lucile Mégret
- article
- Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2017, 20 (2), pp.1-21. ⟨10.1007/s12346-017-0250-3⟩
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- titre
- Dimensional Reduction of a Multiscale Model Based on Long Time Asymptotics
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Frédéric Coquel, Marie Postel, Kim Long Tran
- article
- Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal, 2017, 15 (3), pp.1198 – 1241. ⟨10.1137/16M1062545⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Dynamiques de populations cellulaires structurées Morphogenèse des follicules ovariens
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Frédérique Robin, Romain Yvinec
- article
- Session du GDR Mamovi 2017, 2017, Villeurbanne, France
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Poster communications
- titre
- Multiscale modeling of the morphogenesis of ovarian follicles: a cell-dynamics based approach
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Frédérique Robin, Romain Yvinec
- article
- 2. Journées du GdR 3606 Repro, Apr 2017, Tours, France. 75 p., 2017, 2èmes Journées Scientifiques du GdR Repro
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Journal articles
- titre
- Enhanced Abventricular Proliferation Compensates Cell Death in the Embryonic Cerebral Cortex
- auteur
- Betty Freret-Hodara, Yi Cui, Amélie Griveau, Lisa Vigier, Yoko Arai, Jonathan Touboul, Alessandra Pierani
- article
- Cerebral Cortex, 2016
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- titre
- On the dynamics of random neuronal networks
- auteur
- Philippe Robert, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Journal of Statistical Physics, 2016, 165 (3), pp.545-584. ⟨10.1007/s10955-016-1622-9⟩
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- titre
- Multiscale mathematical modeling of the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément
- article
- Theriogenology, 2016, 86 (1), pp.11-21. ⟨10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.04.063⟩
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- titre
- Mixed-Mode Oscillations in a piecewise linear system with multiple time scale coupling
- auteur
- Soledad Fernández-García, Maciej Krupa, Frédérique Clément
- article
- Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2016, 332, pp.9-22. ⟨10.1016/j.physd.2016.06.002⟩
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- titre
- Multiscale modeling of ovarian follicular development: From follicular morphogenesis to selection for ovulation
- auteur
- Danielle Monniaux, Philippe Michel, Marie Postel, Frédérique Clément
- article
- Biology of the Cell, 2016, 108 (6), pp.1-12. ⟨10.1111/boc.201500087⟩
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- titre
- Canard-Mediated (De)Synchronization in Coupled Phantom Bursters
- auteur
- Elif Köksal Ersöz, Mathieu Desroches, Maciej Krupa, Frédérique Clément
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2016, 15 (1), pp.580-608. ⟨10.1137/15M101840X⟩
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- titre
- Heteroclinic cycles in Hopfield networks
- auteur
- Pascal Chossat, Maciej Krupa
- article
- Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2016, ⟨10.1007/s00332-015-9276-3⟩
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- titre
- Cell-Kinetics Based Calibration of a Multiscale Model of Structured Cell Populations in Ovarian Follicles
- auteur
- Benjamin Aymard, Frédérique Clément, Danielle Monniaux, Marie Postel
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2016, 76 (4), pp.1471-1491. ⟨10.1137/15M1030327⟩
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- titre
- The real Ginibre ensemble with k=O(n) real eigenvalues
- auteur
- Luis Carlos Garcia del Molino, Khashayar Pakdaman, Jonathan Touboul, Gilles Wainrib
- article
- Journal of Statistical Physics, 2016, 163 (2), pp.303-323. ⟨10.1007/s10955-016-1485-0⟩
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- titre
- Canard explosion in delayed equations with multiple timescales
- auteur
- Maciej Krupa, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2016, 28 (2), pp.471-491. ⟨10.1007/s10884-015-9478-2⟩
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- titre
- Parsimony, exhaustivity and balanced detection in neocortex
- auteur
- Alberto Romagnoni, Jérôme Ribot, Daniel Bennequin, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- PLoS Computational Biology, 2016, 11 (11), pp.e1004623. ⟨10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004623⟩
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- titre
- On a Kinetic Fitzhugh–Nagumo Model of Neuronal Network
- auteur
- Stéphane Mischler, Cristóbal Quiñinao, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2016, 342 (3), pp.1001-1042. ⟨10.1007/s00220-015-2556-9⟩
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Book sections
- titre
- Modeling the Dynamics of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Secretion in the Course of an Ovarian Cycle
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Alexandre Vidal
- article
- Duncan J MacGregor; Gareth Leng. Computational Neuroendocrinology, John Wiley & Sons, 2016, Wiley-INF neuroendocrinology series, 9781119951698
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- titre
- Limits cycles explosions, qualitative analysis, numerical simulations and models
- auteur
- Lucile Mégret
- article
- Analyse numérique [math.NA]. Université Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris VI, 2016. Français. ⟨NNT : 2016PA066359⟩
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Journal articles
- titre
- Analysis of Interspike-Intervals for the General Class of Integrate-and-Fire Models with Periodic Drive
- auteur
- Justyna Signerska-Rynkowska
- article
- Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 2015, 20 (5), pp.22. ⟨10.3846/13926292.2015.1085459⟩
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- titre
- Canard solutions in planar piecewise linear systems with three zones
- auteur
- Soledad Fernández-García, Mathieu Desroches, Martin Krupa, Antonio Teruel
- article
- Dynamical Systems, 2015, pp.25. ⟨10.1080/14689367.2015.1079304⟩
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- titre
- Canard-induced loss of stability across a homoclinic bifurcation
- auteur
- Mathieu Desroches, Jean-Pierre Françoise, Lucile Mégret
- article
- Revue Africaine de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées, 2015, Volume 20 – 2015 – Special issue – Colloquium in Honor of Éric Benoît, pp.47-62. ⟨10.46298/arima.1989⟩
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- titre
- A Multiple Time Scale Coupling of Piecewise Linear Oscillators. Application to a Neuroendocrine System
- auteur
- Soledad Fernández-García, Mathieu Desroches, Maciej Krupa, Frédérique Clément
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2015, 14 (2), pp.31. ⟨10.1137/140984464⟩
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- titre
- Competition and boundary formation in heterogeneous media: Application to neuronal differentiation
- auteur
- Benoît Perthame, Cristóbal Quiñinao, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2015, 25 (13), pp.2477-2502. ⟨10.1142/S0218202515400151⟩
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- titre
- Limits and dynamics of randomly connected neuronal networks
- auteur
- Cristóbal Quiñinao, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2015, 136 (1), pp.167-192. ⟨10.1007/s10440-014-9945-5⟩
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- titre
- Pinwheel-dipole configuration in cat early visual cortex.
- auteur
- Jérôme Ribot, Alberto Romagnoni, Chantal Milleret, Daniel Bennequin, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- NeuroImage, 2015, 128, pp.63-73. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.022⟩
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- titre
- Lhx2 regulates the timing of β-catenin-dependent cortical neurogenesis
- auteur
- Lea-Chia-Ling Hsu, Sean Nam, Yi Cui, Ching-Pu Chang, Chia-Fang Wang, Hung-Chih Kuo, Jonathan Touboul, Shen-Ju Chou
- article
- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2015, 112 (39), pp.12199-204. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1507145112⟩
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- titre
- Local homeoprotein diffusion can stabilize boundaries generated by graded positional cues
- auteur
- Cristóbal Quiñinao, Alain Prochiantz, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Development (Cambridge, England), 2015, 142 (10), pp.1860-1868. ⟨10.1242/dev.113688⟩
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- titre
- Absorption properties of stochastic equations with Hölder diffusion coefficients
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul, Gilles Wainrib
- article
- Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2015, 307, pp.18
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- titre
- Complex oscillations in the delayed van der Pol equation
- auteur
- Maciej Krupa, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2015, 26 (1), pp.38. ⟨10.1007/s00332-015-9268-3⟩
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- titre
- Noise-induced canard and mixed-mode oscillations in large stochastic networks with multiple timescales
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul, Maciej Krupa, Mathieu Desroches
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2015, 75 (5), pp.26
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Conference papers
- titre
- Multiscale model-based insight on ovarian follicular development
- auteur
- Frédérique Clement, P. Michel, Danielle Monniaux, T. Stiehl
- article
- 1 Journées du GdR 3606 Repro, Université de Haute Bretagne ( Rennes 2 ) (UR 2). Rennes, FRA., Apr 2015, Rennes, France. 105 p
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- titre
- A Multiscale model for the terminal development of ovarian follicles
- auteur
- Benjamin Aymard, Frédérique Clément, Danielle Monniaux, Marie Postel
- article
- 1 Journées du GdR 3606 Repro, Université de Haute Bretagne ( Rennes 2 ) (UR 2). Rennes, FRA., Apr 2015, Rennes, France. 105 p
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Journal articles
- titre
- Border collision bifurcations of stroboscopic maps in periodically driven spiking models
- auteur
- Albert Granados, Maciej Krupa, Frédérique Clément
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2014, 13 (4), pp.30. ⟨10.1137/13094637X⟩
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- titre
- On the Dynamics of the Adenylate Energy System: Homeorhesis vs Homeostasis
- auteur
- Ildefonso M. de La Fuente, Jesús M. Cortés, Edelmira Valero, Mathieu Desroches, Serafim Rodrigues, Iker Malaina, Luis Martínez
- article
- PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (10), pp.e108676. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0108676⟩
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- titre
- Adaptive mesh refinement strategy for a nonconservative transport problem
- auteur
- Benjamin Aymard, Frédérique Clément, Marie Postel
- article
- ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, 2014, pp.1381 – 1412. ⟨10.1051/m2an/2014014⟩
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- titre
- The Ovarian Reserve of Primordial Follicles and the Dynamic Reserve of Antral Growing Follicles: What Is the Link?
- auteur
- Danielle Monniaux, Frédérique Clément, Rozenn Dalbies-Tran, Anthony Estienne, Stéphane Fabre, Camille Mansanet, Philippe Monget
- article
- Biology of Reproduction, 2014, 90 (4), pp.11. ⟨10.1095/biolreprod.113.117077⟩
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- titre
- Mixed-mode oscillations due to a singular Hopf bifurcation in a forest pest model
- auteur
- Morten Brøns, Mathieu Desroches, Maciej Krupa
- article
- Mathematical Population Studies, 2014, pp.1-22
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- titre
- The heterogeneous gas with singular interaction: Generalized circular law and heterogeneous renormalized energy
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul, Luis Carlos Garcia del Molino, K. Pakdaman
- article
- Journal of Physics A General Physics (1968-1972), 2014, pp.26. ⟨10.1088/1751-8113/48/4/045208⟩
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- titre
- Pulsatile localized dynamics in delayed neural-field equations in arbitrary dimension
- auteur
- Grégory Faye, Jonathan Touboul
- article
- SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2014, 74 (5), pp.1657-1690. ⟨10.1137/140955458⟩
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- titre
- Spatially extended networks with singular multi-scale connectivity patterns
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul
- article
- Journal of Statistical Physics, 2014, pp.27. ⟨10.1007/s10955-014-1015-x⟩
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- titre
- Index Distribution of the Ginibre Ensemble
- auteur
- Romain Allez, Jonathan Touboul, Gilles Wainrib
- article
- Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2014, 47, pp.042001. ⟨10.1088/1751-8113/47/4/042001⟩
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- titre
- Interpreting frequency responses to dose-conserved pulsatile input signals in simple cell signaling motifs.
- auteur
- Patrick A Fletcher, Frédérique Clément, Alexandre Vidal, Joel Tabak, Richard Bertram
- article
- PLoS ONE, 2014, 9 (4), pp.e95613. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0095613⟩
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- titre
- Propagation of chaos in neural fields
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul
- article
- The Annals of Applied Probability, 2014, (in press), 24 (3), pp.1298–1327. ⟨10.1214/13-AAP950⟩
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Conference papers
- titre
- Mixed-Mode Bursting Oscillations (MMBOs): slow passage through spike-adding canard explosion.
- auteur
- Mathieu Desroches
- article
- Multi-Scale Models, Slow-Fast Differential Equations, Averaging in Ecology and Neuroscience, Nov 2014, Bernoulli Centre, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
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- titre
- Canards in 3D piecewise-linear slow-fast systems, application to neuron models.
- auteur
- Mathieu Desroches
- article
- The 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Jul 2014, Madrid, Spain
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- titre
- The pinwheel-dipole organization of orientation and spatial frequency maps, and their common organizing principles.
- auteur
- Jonathan Touboul
- article
- 5th France-Israël binational conference on neurosciences, Feb 2014, Sde Boker, Israel
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Journal articles
- titre
- Multiscale modelling of ovarian follicular selection.
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Danielle Monniaux
- article
- Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology, 2013, 113 (3), pp.398-408. ⟨10.1016/j.pbiomolbio.2012.12.005⟩
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- titre
- Optimal control of cell mass and maturity in a model of follicular ovulation
- auteur
- Frédérique Clément, Jean-Michel Coron, Peipei Shang
- article
- SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2013, 51 (2), pp.824-847. ⟨10.1137/120862247⟩
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- titre
- Cauchy problem for multiscale conservation laws: Application to structured cell populations
- auteur
- Peipei Shang
- article
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2013, 401 (2), pp.896 – 920. ⟨10.1016/j.jmaa.2013.01.001⟩
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- titre
- Coupled somatic cell kinetics and germ cell growth: multiscale model-based insight on ovarian follicular development
- auteur
- Philippe Michel, Thomas Stiehl, Danielle Monniaux, Frédérique Clément
- article
- Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal, 2013, 11 (3), pp.719-746. ⟨10.1137/120897249⟩
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- titre
- A Network Model of the Periodic Synchronization Process in the Dynamics of Calcium Concentration in GnRH Neurons
- auteur
- Maciej Krupa, Alexandre Vidal, Frédérique Clément
- article
- Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 2013, 3 (1), pp.4. ⟨10.1186/2190-8567-3-4⟩
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- titre
- A numerical method for kinetic equations with discontinuous equations : application to mathematical modeling of cell dynamics
- auteur
- Benjamin Aymard, Frédérique Clément, Frédéric Coquel, Marie Postel
- article
- SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2013, 35 (6), 27 p. ⟨10.1137/120904238⟩
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