
Scientific conferences

Modeling seed growth control as a mechano-sensitive incoherent feedforward Loop

Olivier Ali, Morphogenesis Seminar – University of Cambridge – March 1st, 2021

Can we manipulate tree forms like numbers?

Christophe Godin, Banff International research station for mathematical innovation and discovery – 14 dec. 2017


Comment les plantes font-elles des mathématiques?

Christophe Godin, Science Info Lycée Prof : Conférence de formation des profs. du secondaire en sciences informatiques – 13 Fev. 2019

Romi: Advanced Plant Modeling.

Christophe Godin, Romi outreach video – 14 dec. 2018


Master Class: Creating Virtual Plants

Christophe Godin, a series of lectures about how to create computational models of plant development using L-systems. ROMI – Robotics for Microfarms – 13 Jan. 2023

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