Author's posts

Mokameeting, Open Moka-Problems Session, Tuesday July 11h

Mokameeting, Open Moka-Problems Session, Tuesday July 11h, 11:00-12:00, room A415 Everyone will have the unique opportunity to present his latest results and/or his open questions (preferably in a compressed format).

Mokameeting, Federico Stra (Pisa) & Hugo Lavenant (Orsay), May 24th 2017

Mokameeting, May 24th 2017, 10:30-12:00, room A415 Federico Stra (SNS Pisa) Title: Finiteness and continuity of multimarginal optimal transport cost Abstract: In the talk I will present some new results regarding the finiteness and continuity of the multimarginal optimal transport for a repulsive cost. We exhibit also counterexamples showing the sharpness of the finiteness condition. These …

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Mokameeting, Autodiff and GPUs meet Optimal Transport, May 17th 2017

Mokameeting, Autodiff and GPUs, May 17th 2017, 10h30-12h00, Room A415 (INRIA Paris) Program: Gabriel Peyré (CNRS and ENS): A short introduction to automatic differentiation Marco Cuturi (ENSAE): Presentation of the MokaGPUs Aude Genevay (ENS and INRIA): A case study of GPUs and Theano for Machine Learning with Optimal Transport. Jean Feydy (ENS):  A case study of …

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Mokameeting, Jérôme Bolte (Toulouse TSE), June 28th 2017

Mokameeting, Jérôme Bolte, Toulouse 28 Juin 2017, 10:30-12:00, Room A415, INRIA Paris Title: A family of functional inequalities: lojasiewicz inequalities and displacement convex functions Abstract: For displacement convex functionals in the probability space equipped with the Monge-Kantorovich metric we prove the equivalence between the gradient and functional type Lojasiewicz inequalities. In a second part, we specialise these …

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Mokameeting, Giuseppe Buttazzo, 30 Nov. 2016, 14h00

Mokameeting,Giuseppe Buttazzo, Pisa University 30 Nov. 2016, 14h00-15h30, Room A315, INRIA Paris Title: Symmetry breaking for a problem in optimal insulation Abstract: In the present talk we consider the problem of optimally insulating a given domain Omega of R^d; this amounts to solve a nonlinear variational problem, where the optimal thickness of the insulator is …

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Mokameeting “Wasserstein Barycenters”, 19 Oct. 2016, 9h30

  Special Mokameeting on Wasserstein Barycenters 19 Oct. 2016, 9h30, Salle A315 INRIA PARIS 09:30-10:00: Alexei Kroshnin (NRU Higher School of Economics, Moscow) “Fréchet Barycenters in Monge-Kantorovich spaces“ 10:00-10:30: Guillaume Carlier (Paris-Dauphine and INRIA Paris) “On the central limit theorem for Wasserstein barycenters“, I will discuss a form of then CLT for Wasserstein barycenters, will prove …

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MokaGT – 2015 – Oct. 5th

Paris-Dauphine, room B215 Clarisse Poon: jump set stability for total variation regularization of inverse problems François-Xavier Vialard: la géométrie de Wassertein-Fisher-Rao Roman Andreev: numerics for MFGs Xavier Dupuis: contraintes de convexité et entropie

MokaGT – 2015 – April 15th

Paris-Dauphine, Room Maxime Laborde, Perturbated gradient flows

MokaGT – 2015 – March 13th

Paris-Dauphine, Room A304 Guillaume Carlier, A Monge-Kantorovich approach to multivariate quantile regression Luca Nenna, Multi-Marginals Optimal Transportation