
Team seminars are called MokaMeetings. They are organized on a monthly basis. Subscribe to the mailing list to be notified about upcoming seminars.

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  • Mokameeting du 20 mars 2024 : Laurent Pfeiffer (INRIA Saclay) et Anna Korba (ENSAE)

    Mercredi 20 mars, nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Laurent Pfeiffer de l’INRIA Saclay ainsi qu’Anna Korba de l’ENSAE.
    La séance aura lieu à 14h dans la salle Jacques-Louis Lions 2 à l’Inria Paris.

    Laurent Pfeiffer (Inria Saclay)
    On the Frank-Wolfe algorithm and its application to non-atomic potential games
    Résumé: I will review two recent results concerning the Frank-Wolfe algorithm, an algorithm dating from the 1950 among of the very first methods for solving constrained optimization problems: following .

    K. Liu, Pfeiffer. Mean field optimization problems: stability results and Lagrangian discretization. Preprint, 2023.

    Anna Korba (ENSAE/CREST)
    Sampling through optimization of discrepancies
    Résumé: Sampling from a target measure when only partial information is available (e.g. unnormalized density as in Bayesian inference, or true samples as in generative modeling ) is a fundamental problem in computational statistics and machine learning. The sampling problem can be formulated as an optimization over the space of probability distributions of a well-chosen discrepancy (e.g. a divergence or distance). 
    In this talk, we’ll discuss several properties of sampling algorithms for some choices of discrepancies (well-known ones, or novel proxies), both regarding their optimization and quantization aspects.