Jean-David BENAMOU

Author's posts


MOKAMEETING 25 SEPTEMBER 14H . ROOM JLL INRIA PARIS HongKai Zhao,  UC Irvine. Title:  Instability of an inverse problem for the stationary radiative transport near the diffusion limit. Abstract:  In this talk we study the instability of an inverse problem of radiative transport equation with angularly averaged measurement near the diffusion limit. We show the …

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MOKAMEETING  du 27 FEVRIER 10H-12H INRIA PARIS  SALLE A315 “Nous accueillerons le Prof. Yanir Rubinstein (U. Maryland)  qui nous fera une introduction : “Interactions between convex geometry and complex geometry” titre: Des liens et des interactions entre la géometrie convexe et la géometrie complexe Résumé:   Je vais commencer avec une introduction aux variétés complexes:définitions, …

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MOKAMEETING 10 Juillet 2018

Gwendoline De Bie  (ENS) :  Stochastic Deep Networks (click for slides) Andrea Natale (INRIA) : Generalized H(div) geodesics and solutions of the Camassa-Holm (click for slides) Theo Golvet

MOKAMEETING 13 Juin 10h-12h Salle A315

10 H    Antoine Gautier (Saarland Universitat) Title:   Sinkhorn and power method for tensors with positive entries Abstract:  For positive matrices, the power method and the Sinkhorn method have in common that their convergence can be analysed with tools of the nonlinear Perron-Frobenius theory such as the Hilbert projective metric and the Birkhoff-Hopf theorem. We present a …

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MoKaMeeting du 11 avril 2018 . Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE – CREST) / User-friendly guarantees for the Langevin Monte Carlo

Le prochain séminaire de l’équipe Mokaplan aura lieu le mercredi 11 avril à 10h30 à l’INRIA Paris (rue du Charolais) en salle A415. Nous aurons le plaisir d’écouter Arnak Dalalyan (ENSAE – CREST):Titre: User-friendly guarantees for the Langevin Monte CarloAbstract: In this talk, I will revisit the recently established theoretical guarantees for the convergence of the Langevin Monte Carlo algorithm of …

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MOKAMEETING du 20 Septembre 2017 10H-12H Salle A 415 (INRIA PARIS)

Mokameeting, September  20th 2017, 10:00-12:00 AM, room A415  INRIA Paris Batiment A  Andrea Natale (Imperial College, London) Title: Structure-preserving finite elements for perfect fluids Abstract: Perfect fluids with constant density are governed by the incompressible Euler equations. These equations can be formulated as a Lagrangian system with symmetries on the group of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms. In this talk, I …

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MOKAMEETING du 22 MARS 2017 10H-12H Salle A 415 (INRIA PARIS)

Talk 1 :   David Vicente (Universite de Graz) SLIDES : Séminaire_MOKAPLAN Un resultat de reconstruction exacte pour TV sous une contrainte de type EDP Abstract_David_Vicente   Talk 2 :  Xianglong DUAN (CMLS, X)   SLIDES : talk_duan Examples of gradient flows based on optimal transport of differential forms Abstract: Optimal transport theory has been a powerful …

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MFO Workshop – Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences

MFO Workshop Applications of Optimal Transportation in the Natural Sciences Date: 29 Jan – 4 Feb 2017  

BRENIER 60 – Calculus of Variations and Optimal Transportation

  Calculus of Variations and Optimal Transportation BRENIER 60 Institut Henri Poincaré, Amphithéâtre Hermite, Paris, January 10-13, 2017

Journées MokaTOA (équipes MokaPlan et McTAO) – 3 et 4 octobre 2016, Paris

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