Solal Perrin-Roussel
1st year Phd Student: Mathematical and numerical analysis for electronic structure.
Supervisors: Éric Cancès (CERMICS, ENPC) & David Gontier (CEREMADE, DAUPHINE PSL).
Affiliations: CERMICS, École des Ponts ParisTech & Inria, team MATHERIALS.
CV: resume (english version) ; CV (version française).
Contact: solal (dot) perrin (dash) roussel (at) inria (dot) fr
Interests :
- Spectral theory and semiclassical analysis in moiré materials.
Contributions :
Papers :
- Gontier, D., Monaco, D., & Perrin-Roussel, S. (2022). Symmetric Fermi projections and Kitaev’s table: Topological phases of matter in low dimensions. Journal of Mathematical Physics, 63(4), 041902. arXiv link
Teaching :
- 1st semester 2022-2023: Supervision of a working group on Mathieu Lewin’s book Théorie spectrale et
mécanique quantique (M1 students), École Normale Supérieure, Paris.
- 2nd semester 2022-2023: Tutorials of the Mathematical Modelling lecture by Bertrand Maury (M1
students), École Normale Supérieure, Paris.